The issue Naomi Wolf needs to take on next

June 25, 2022 WND

Former consultant to Bill Clinton and Al Gore, and one time poster girl for third wave feminism, Naomi Wolf has seen the light, and it was COVID mania that turned on the switch. For those of us who lived our lives in 2020-2021 much as we had in 2019, Wolf’s new book, “The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human,” comes as a revelation.

Wolf shows us from the inside what happened to “my people, my tribe, my whole life, the progressive, right-on, part of the ideological world” during the presumed pandemic, and it wasn’t pretty. “It was as if these communities were in the grip of a collective hallucination,” Wolf writes, “like the witch crazes of the sixteen and seventeenth century.”

“Whole understandings and belief systems were abandoned overnight,” she continues. “Intelligent, informed people suddenly saw things that were not there and were unable to see things that were incontrovertibly before their faces.”

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When Dem gun rhetoric gets downright dangerous

American Thinker

The Democrats’ plan to shift the blame for inner-city mayhem from their own self-destructive policies to guns in general, and the AR-15 in particular, reached something of a high-water mark on Saturday.

At the Missouri variant of the so-called “March for Our Lives Rally,” Kansas City’s ambitious young mayor, Quinton Lucas, fired away with a comment so false in so many ways that even deposed San Francisco D.A. Chesa Boudin would have been embarrassed to utter it.

Said Lucas for the ages, “I feel like in Missouri these days, if you cross the state line, they say, ‘Welcome. Here’s an AR-15. Good luck.'” Knowing Kansas City as well as I do — I live in one of its more liberal neighborhoods — I almost choked on my arugula when reading this. Lucas, I suspect, is banking on the Kansas City Star’s paywall to protect sensible people from calling him out on this nonsense.

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Are the Obamas prepping for the Apocalypse?

Jewish Voice

I got a tip from a friend who describes himself as the “hated conservative on Martha’s Vineyard in the Peoples’ Republic of Massachusetts.” According to a June 7 notice in the MV Times, the Obamas of Turkeyland Cove Road made an unprecedented request of the Edgarton select board.

As reported, the Obamas asked the board’s permission to install a 2,500-gallon commercial propane tank on their property. “We’ve never had a private propane tank come to us,” select board member Arthur Smadbeck told the MV Times. Board member Michael Donaroma added that a private-residence propane tank is typically a fraction of the quantity being requested.

On an island that is as prone to storms as Martha’s Vineyard, it would not be unusual for a home to have a back-up generator, but no one apparently has a commercial-grade 2,500-gallon tank at a price tag that could range as high as $75,000. It should be noted that propane is a byproduct of either petroleum refining or natural gas processing. This means propane is subject to the same law of supply and demand as its sources. People who heat their homes with natural gas are told to expect a 54% increase in next year’s energy costs, but then again the Obamas stopped looking at price tags long ago.

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‘2000 Mules’ and the ‘don’t wanna know’ Republicans

Last week I argued on these pages that the left timed the release of the Alito brief to offset the premier of Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules.” If so, the left miscalculated. The film did not need any woke offsetting. The “don’t wanna know” (DWK) Right was up to the job.

For the timid Right, “Mules” was a Level 5 DWK. Never before had its thought leaders been confronted with an exposure this consequential and this exquisitely well documented.

If D’Souza and his collaborators at True the Vote are right, all the DWK talking points of the last 20 months are shot. The Democrats did steal the presidential election. They also stole the Senate with their capture of the two Georgia seats. And the Jan. 6 crowd was right to protest, arguably even to riot – peacefully, of course.

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Was Supreme Court leak timed to mute ‘2,000 Mules’?

May 7, 2022 WND

On Monday evening, I and thousands of other people laid down $20 apiece at 270 neighborhood theaters across America to watch the premiere of Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary, “2,000 Mules.”

On a night of pouring rain in Kansas City, some 250 people filled our theater to capacity and broke into a spontaneous chant of “USA! USA!” at movie’s end.

The movie was that cathartic. Like D’Souza’s Greek chorus of Salem radio hosts – Dennis Prager, Larry Elder, Seb Gorka, Eric Metaxas, Charlie Kirk – the moviegoers strongly suspected the election was stolen, but they needed to see how it was stolen.

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Obama goes full Orwell in scary Stanford speech


A week ago Barack Obama let loose his inner fascist and gave an hour-long speech at Stanford University that deserved more attention than it got.

“I’m pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist,” Obama told his audience and then spent the rest of the hour proving he is anything but. In fact, the Obama that emerges in this speech is one scary dude.

The one sentence that most alarmed me began thusly, “The way I’m going to evaluate any proposal touching on social media and the internet is whether it strengthens or weakens the prospects for a healthy, inclusive democracy.”

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The last flight out on ‘Karen Air’


Oh, if only U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle had struck down the airplane mask mandate a week ago, ideally in mid-flight, the skies might have gotten much friendlier that day.

Flying out of Newark to Kansas City, I drew as seat mate in our two-across alignment a Karen right out of central casting: 60-ish, skittish, frumpy. I did not expect resistance. I had made close to 20 round trips during the mask era without encountering such a creature.

Most of those trips had been in and out of Tampa, arguably the sanest big city in America. It seems only fitting that the lawsuit that led to Mizelle’s decision was filed last year in Tampa.

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Unapologetic Tony Dungy Smokes Out Obama’s Betrayal of Black America

April 17, 2022 American Thinker

Tony Dungy, the first black coach ever to win a Super Bowl, might have escaped notice this week had he merely supported Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s Responsible Fatherhood Initiative.” His real sin was to explain why.

Dungy, a Christian father of eleven, recounted a conversation he had years back with the Rev. Abe Brown about Brown’s prison ministry. At Brown’s request, Dungy accompanied him to prison. Expecting to find hardened criminals, Dungy found instead “19- and 20- and 21-year-old kids who looked like my boys.” When Dungy asked what accounted for the young men’s incarceration, Beown told him told him, “Its not socioeconomic. It’s not racial. It’s not education. It’s none of that. Ninety-five percent of these boys did not grow up with their dad.”

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Climate fascists shackle gay weather icon


With the possible exception of Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes, veteran TV weatherman Gary Lezak is the best-known and most loved personality in all of Kansas City.

For 30 years now, the openly gay Lezak has been predicting the weather on the city’s NBC affiliate, KSHB-TV, often accompanied by his celebrity dogs – Windy, Breezy, Stormy, and now Sunny.

So popular is Lezak locally that he must have thought he was above the rules. He must have forgotten that, on the subject of climate, he was not allowed to tell the truth.

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How ‘diversity’ ruined the Oscars


In 1998, I was among the 55 million Americans who watched the Oscars. I probably went to an Oscar watch party and likely saw all five of the films nominated for best picture. To be sure, Hollywood had been heading slowly south for the previous 30 years, but I hung in there anyhow.

This year, I was not among the 15 million people who watched the Oscars. I had seen only three of the 10 top movies and only two in the theater. And had not Will Smith bitch-slapped host Chris Rock, I might not have even known the Oscars had come and gone.

Moments after the slap heard round the world, Smith won the best actor Oscar for his role in the film “King Richard.” The audience applauded as if they had not just watched an arguably criminal case of assault. No big deal. A few years back they gave a standing O to child-rapist Roman Polanski.

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