Was ‘John Doe No. 2’ at the Capitol Jan. 6?

November 11, 2021 WND

Big Brother is counting.

On April 28, 1995, the Washington Post reported as follows: “The magistrate, Ronald L. Howland, ordered McVeigh to be held without bail after listening to four hours of testimony from FBI special agent John Hersley in which he described eyewitness accounts of a yellow Mercury with McVeigh and another man inside speeding away from a parking lot near the federal building.”

Nine days earlier, Timothy McVeigh and “another man” blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. The FBI labeled this other man “John Doe No. 2.”

In addition to the “witnesses” – plural – that saw McVeigh with a second conspirator, federal prosecutors presented additional evidence to Judge Rowland of an accomplice. The truck bomb in question, they told him, “probably required at least two to three people to construct.”

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Forget Alec Baldwin, Remember Kim Potter

American Spectator

Actor Alec Baldwin and former Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, police officer Kim Potter have one major life-changing event in common: each accidentally shot and killed an individual. But that is where the commonality ends.

Although Baldwin has gotten some media blowback given his role as both shooter and producer, a good deal of the coverage has been sympathetic. Much of the blame has fallen on the teenybopper armorer, and some have even suggested a cryptic bullet swap by some unknown Trump supporter. To be sure, Baldwin will spend considerable time in court, more civil than criminal, but it is unlikely he will spend a night in jail.

After a few furious days in April 2021, Potter has received little media attention beyond Minnesota, almost none of it sympathetic. She is facing as much as 15 years in prison and, if Derek Chauvin’s 22-year sentence is any guide, she will likely serve a good chunk of it.

It was in April that Potter shot and killed 20-year-old Daunte Wright. Without intending, the Washington Post’s Kim Bellware explained in simple black and white why Potter has been treated more coldly than Baldwin. “Police claim Potter, who is White,” wrote Bellware, “mistook her service weapon for a Taser when she fired at Wright, who is Black.”

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Ironic: Barack Obama denounces the ‘politics of tribalism’


“There’s a mood out there,” said former President Barack Obama while stumping for Terry McAuliffe last weekend in the Virginia governor’s race. “There’s a politics of meanness and division and conflict, of tribalism and cynicism.”

I have always doubted whether Obama wrote the books attributed to him. But upon hearing the above, I began to doubt whether he even read them, especially his most recent book, “A Promised Land.”

The 2019 memoir is a tribute to the joys of tribalism. The same president who inspired the nation at the 2004 Democratic National Convention promising “there is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America – there’s the United States of America,” has more and more taken refuge in his self-constructed “blackness.”

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Irish Quandary: Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed?

October 24, 2021 American Spectator

During his Thursday town hall meeting with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, President Joe Biden blithely dismissed the most basic assertion of those who have

From County Waterford, my great-great grandfather

chosen to resist a COVID-19 vaccination. “Freedom? I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID,” scoffed Biden. “No, I mean come on — freedom.”

In his literally mindless way, Biden said out loud what health officials everywhere have been implying since the vaccines became widely available. Those who are not vaccinated are killing their more responsible peers.

In the Republic of Ireland, however, health officials are running out of people to blame. This has becoming embarrassingly obvious in County Waterford. As reported in the Irish Times, the nation’s establishment newspaper, two of the three most COVID-infected electoral areas in Ireland are located in the county “with the highest rate of vaccination in the country.” In Waterford, a remarkable 99.7 percent of adults over the age of 18 is fully vaccinated.

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Why Is No One Talking About FX’s ‘Impeachment’ Series?

American Thinker

Now that I am seven episodes in, I feel confident saying that “Impeachment: American Crime Story,” airing Tuesday evenings on FX, is the fairest and arguably the best real-life political drama Hollywood has ever produced.  What mystifies me is that no one on the Right appears to be talking about it.

The third in the “American Crime Story” series, this 10-part drama faithfully tracks the perjury and obstruction of justice scandal that very nearly ended the Bill Clinton presidency. While the first two in the series — “The People vs. O.J. Simpson” and “Versace” — dealt candidly with the issues of race and homosexuality, “Impeachment” takes candor a step further and deconstructs the Left’s revisionist history of Bill Clinton’s “sex” scandal.

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Will Obama Deny the ‘Obama Scientist’ at Glasgow Summit?

American Spectator

Next week Barack Obama will ignore the inherent paradox in flying to a climate summit and join thousands of other progressive jet-setters in Glasgow. Obama cannot claim ignorance about the paradox. In his 2019 memoir, A Promised Land, he admits to the unfortunate optics of his trip to the 2009 UN global summit on climate change in Copenhagen. “Has anyone ever considered,” he reportedly asked an aide on the flight to Copenhagen, “the amount of carbon dioxide I’m releasing into the atmosphere as a result of these trips to Europe?” The aide quipped, “You might not want to mention that in your speech tomorrow.”

This time, of course, Obama will ignore the jet-setter paradox, and the media will enable him. What will be a little trickier to ignore is the man that friend and foe alike identify as “Obama Scientist,” namely physicist Dr. Steven Koonin, Obama’s one-time undersecretary for science in the Department of Energy.

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Why are thousands of postal workers still unvaxxed?


After spending several futile hours rummaging through media accounts and the United States Postal Service (USPS) website, I still had no answer to the question I set out to address: Are postal workers subject to a vaccine mandate?

Wanting the straight skinny, I decided not to call USPS headquarters but to visit a facility and talk to the workers loading and unloading mail. To my good fortune I found a well-spoken, straightforward supervisor who told me, through his mask, what I wanted to know.

“We are encouraged to get vaccinated, but we do not face a vaccine mandate like the military does,” he volunteered. “But,” he added helpfully, “we do have an indoor mask mandate.” Two questions emerge from this encounter. The first is: Why are postal workers exempt from a mandate that is stripping other public service entities, including the military, of thousands of needed personnel?

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Bill Ayers, a Familiar Face in the Birth of Critical Race Theory

October 19, 2021 American Thinker

After Attorney General Merrick Garland sicced the FBI on unruly parents protesting Critical Race Theory (CRT) at school board meetings, it came to light that Garland had a dog in the fight.

That dog is son-in-law Xan Tanner, co-founder of Panorama Education, a leading distributor of CRT materials.  Among the materials Panorama has recommended for educators is an essay by terrorist emeritus and Obama pal Bill Ayers.

Titled “I Shall Create! Teaching Toward Freedom,” Ayers’s essay is the first in a 2019 collection by left-wing activist Lisa Delpit. If nothing else, Ayers has been consistent.  He has been pumping out frenetic anti-white cant long before it was cool, let alone mandatory.

Writes Ayers in this recent essay, “We must face reality and courageously confront history, tell the truth, and then destroy the entire edifice of white supremacy: metaphorically speaking it means burning down the plantation.”  The problem now is that Ayers is no longer an outlier.  The same FBI that hounded him and his fellow bombers is now hounding parents who protest his subversive nonsense.

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Unvaxxed teacher on her fight for freedom: ‘If not now, when?’

October 14, 2021 WND

Citizens protest harassment of teacher Angela Bittinger

Pine Valley Central School, a small rural district an hour south of Buffalo, aspires to instill five “intrinsic” values in its students: integrity, perseverance, responsibility, curiosity and community service.

It is hard to imagine a teacher anywhere who embodies those values more courageously than seventh and ninth grade history teacher Angela Bittinger. As Angela has proved through her ordeal, however, what sounded good on paper to school administrators does not hold much appeal for them in real life.

On Tuesday, Angela faced still another administrative hearing in what she described to me as an ongoing “witch hunt.” The district seems to have no larger goal than to make Angela go away.

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School Shootings and Students of Color

American Spectator

To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy, if you feel a shiver of excitement when “school shooting” trends on Twitter, you just might be woke. Last Wednesday, Erica — a nurse and “humanist” — proved her wokeness in spades.

“They’re already making excuses for the shooter ‘he got in a fight with someone,’” she tweeted. “Okay, but who chooses to shoot people? White males are a problem #TexasShooter #EnoughIsEnough.”

Although reluctant to admit as much, many on the Left welcome a school shooting. Perhaps more than any other event, a shooting reinforces their empty mishmash of a worldview. It allows them to flaunt their hatred both of guns and of their lily-white selves. For Erica, the Texas shooting was a twofer — or at least it seemed to be.

Alas, the rush was short-lived. About 20 minutes after the original tweet, Erica tweeted back to her 405 followers, “Oh F***. He’s a POC.” For the record, Erica did not use asterisks, and “POC” is woke shorthand for “person of color.”

Had Big Media been even just a little bit honest about race and crime, Erica would not have embarrassed herself as she did. A well-informed Erica, upon hearing of a school shooting, might have tweeted, “Oh F***. He’s probably a POC.” In the real world, Erica, he almost always is.

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