The racially perverse ‘as a Texan’ Twitter trend

Women named Tyonnie Keshay Rankin, Kaeita Nkeenge Rankin, and Sally Rechelle Lewis are not likely consumers of right-wing anti-vaxx propaganda.
A student of the media looking for a textbook case of the perverse manipulation of the news by Big Tech and Big Media had to look no further than the coverage of a Thursday evening incident at Carmine’s restaurant in New York City.
The headlines from the incident were chum to get the Twitter trolls snapping:
Texas Tourists in NYC Attack Restaurant Hostess After Being Asked for Vaccination Proof
Caught on video: Texas woman attacked New York hostess after being asked for proof of vaccination
Texas tourists visiting NYC assault restaurant hostess who asked for vaccination proof
True to form, the trolls took the media bait, the tastiest morsel, of course, being the word “Texas.” With a lot of help from Twitter, Inc., the phrase “As a Texan” was trending on Saturday morning. Woke Texans—or fake woke Texans—weighed in by the net full.
Now woke universities permit ‘lynch mob’ violence
If a psychology professor wanted to show his class how a deeply propagandized people can turn violent against a member of a pariah caste, he/she/zhe should have recorded the events that took place at the University of Kansas Monday night.

Atticus was once the students’ role model. Now the mob is.
It was Mob Psychology Lab 101. The pariah was/is male, now in the clear minority at just about every university. We have to presume he is white. If otherwise, there would have been excuses, not accusations, let alone an attack on a fraternity house.
The prevailing propaganda, absurd on its face, is that a “rape culture” terrorizes the American campus. The result of this toxic mix was an all too predictable mayhem.
The Unsung Death of ‘My Body, My Choice’
As late as 3:43 p.m. on Thursday, September 9, the long-lived mantra of the pro-abortion movement, “My Body, My Choice,” was still showing signs of life. It was at that time, that the White House published the remarks made by Vice-President Kamala Harris at a “Reproductive Rights” roundtable.
“The President and I are unequivocal in our support of Roe v. Wade and the constitutionality of Roe v. Wade, and the right of women to make decisions for themselves with whomever they choose — about their own bodies,” said Ms. Harris.
“And, needless to say,” Harris continued much too quotably, “the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable. The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is their decision; it is their body.”
So far is Harris out of the White House power loop that she may not have known the mantra had less than two hours to live.
Can the Post Office Be Trusted With Mail-In Ballots?
As I write this on Sunday afternoon, a Thursday Washington Post article headlined, “Postal Service workers not included in President Biden’s mandatory vaccination order, source says,” remains on the Post website uncorrected.
According to Post reporter Jacob Bogage, “postal workers would be strongly encouraged to comply with the mandate,” but they would not be forced to get vaccinated. To his humble credit, Bogage noted the paradox of Biden exempting “a massive chunk of the federal workforce … that interacts daily with an equally large swath of the public.”
Upon reading Bogage’s initial report, I was stunned that the Biden White House would coddle the USPS so conspicuously just a week before the California recall election. The “quid” in this case struck me as much too obvious a down payment on the “quo,” namely USPS cooperation in the mail-in voting. Given that ballots have been automatically mailed to every registered voter, the USPS has a major role to play in the election. All pundits seem to agree that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s future hinges on the mail-in vote.
Sure enough, on Thursday evening, Bogage tweeted a correction. “JUST IN: White House official now says USPS workers ARE part of the federal vaccine mandate under OSHA jurisdiction, though technically not under the executive order.” As shall be seen, given Bogage’s history with USPS, I am not sure I believe the correction.
The George Floyd link to Jan. 6 protester’s death
Say the name, “Roseanne Boyland.” On Jan. 6, 2021, the 34-year-old Boyland died under mysterious circumstances in a tunnel leading to the Capitol. According to the Washington Post, The D.C. Medical Examiner’s office determined that Boyland died of “accidental acute amphetamine intoxication.”
Emerging evidence suggests that this diagnosis is as suspect as the one that netted Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin a 22-year prison sentence in the death of George Floyd. What is undeniable is that one well-connected black activist was involved in both.
Although the medical examiner most associated with the Boyland case is Dr. Francisco Diaz, the chief D.C. medical examiner on Jan. 6 was Dr. Roger Mitchell, Diaz’s then boss. Mitchell made something of a name for himself with his outrageous meddling in the Floyd case.
Is Pope Francis Trying to Kill Catholicism?
The most prominent Catholic leader in Texas, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, the archbishop of Houston-Galveston, made headlines this past week. On the very same day the Supreme Court decided not to block Texas’s new abortion laws — an excellent opportunity for a headline-making quote — the good Cardinal used his bully pulpit to prohibit the Latin Mass in certain Houston parishes.
Cardinal DiNardo, alas, was taking his cue from the top. In July, Pope Francis put his thumb in the eye of those faithful Catholics dutifully trying to ignore his ongoing flirtation with the anti-Christian Left. He issued an Apostolic Letter cracking down on the Latin Mass, the revival of which over the last 30 years has been the greatest boon to American Catholicism since Fulton Sheen discovered television.
Pope Francis, a Jesuit, gives individual bishops the power to “regulate” the Latin revival. That said, papal dictates such as “take care not to authorize the establishment of new groups” leave little doubt about his long-term intentions. The pope’s gesture struck many Catholics as so gratuitously self-destructive that it revived the old joke, “What’s the difference between Baptists and Jesuits?” Answer: “Baptists know they’re not Catholic.”
The Rot They Teach Our Teachers
In the fifteen years since Jill Biden became a “doctor” — Whoopi Goldberg once pitched her to become

As Stalin once said, it’s not the votes that count, it’s who counts the votes.
surgeon general — the average school of education has gone from being merely a bad joke to becoming scarily woke.
The reader need not take my word for it. The schools of education boast of their eagerness to subvert just about everything you believe in. Even the University of Delaware invites its students to pull information “from the social sciences, situated cognition, critical pedagogy, critical race theory, feminist theory, and disabilities studies,” all the better to twist young minds. Today, without that information, such as it is, a would-be educator has no career.
In the mind-twisting department, history teacher Gabriel Gipe of Natomas, California made the mistake of boasting about his desire to do just that. Gipe was recorded by Project Veritas saying, “I have 180 days to turn [students] into revolutionaries,” his technique of choice being “to scare the f— out of them.” The Natomas Unified School District was quick to assure the Sacramento-area parents, “The actions and approaches taken by one teacher do not represent the overall staff, students and school community.”
No, not every educator at Natomas has a hammer and sickle tattooed on his chest, but as one angry parent asked, “where the hell was the principal? Where were the vice principals? Where was the faculty of the school? Where was the superintendent, where was the rest of the district? Where were you?” Unknown to the parents, the adult educators had already been indoctrinated themselves.
Time for alumni to organize and resist ‘wokeness’
While we were distracting ourselves with things like work, church and raising families, the woke have been busily burrowing into every educational institution that has been part of our lives.
To envision the spread of this movement, I conjure up images from the 1956 sci-fi classic, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” The film’s protagonist, Dr. Miles Bennell, returns to his hometown only to find people confiding in him that their friends and relatives no longer seem to be the friends and relatives they’ve known all their lives.
Most of us have had a comparable experience, often with the very children we send off to college, even high school.
The Cynical, Despicable ‘Stuttering’ Con Unravels
Last week, like the boy in the Hans Christian Andersen fable, Fox News Host Rachel Campos-Duffy had the gumption to say out loud that Emperor Joe was wearing no metaphorical clothes. In addressing the collapse of leadership in Washington, Campos-Duffy asked, “Who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent and frankly this, you know, mentally frail in this position?”
Having dared to ask the obvious question, Campos-Duffy gave the obvious answer. “No one knew better his state of mind than Dr. Jill Biden,” Campos continued. “And if you ask me, the most patriotic thing Jill Biden could have done was tell her husband — to love her husband — and not let him run in this mental state that he’s in.”
In the Andersen fable, the boy’s fearful father tries to shame the boy into silence. Campos-Duffy got a dose of that. The shaming started at the top. “This is disgusting,” tweeted Dr. Jill’s press secretary. Singling out Fox News and Campos-Duffy, he concluded, “They can do better and their viewers deserve better. I hope they’ll apologize to the First Lady and leave this kind of talk in the [trash] where it belongs.”
Big Media, however, responded much like the crowd in the Andersen fable. They reacted first in shock but then quickly began to doubt themselves. The media churned out scores of huffy articles along the lines of “White House Demands Apology,” but if a journalist of note defended Biden’s mental acuity, I was unable to find that article. Not even at MSNBC did anyone dare lay the blame for Afghanistan on Biden’s stuttering.
RINOs for Biden have blood on their hands
As hard as it is to watch images out of Kabul, it must be exponentially harder for those “Republicans” who endorsed Joe Biden for president.
We did not expect any better out of partisan Democrats. Keen as they are on the right to kill their babies in the womb, or mutilate their sexually confused children, or keep poor black students from leaving their crappy schools, they chose the right guy in good old Joe.
Republicans had no such excuse. They were not blinded, as leftists were, by their own media. They could see both sides, and they knew Biden offered nothing they professed to believe in except perhaps better manners – excluding, of course, Joe’s behavior around pre-pubescent girls.