Milwaukee Officials Have Some Explaining to Do

November 15, 2020 American Thinker

In 25 wards, Biden received 97 percent or more of the vote, none higher than 98 percent.  Based on exit polls, it is highly likely that these were overwhelmingly black districts.  No other demographic could produce those numbers.

One suspects that Democratic operatives could not afford a repeat of Philadelphia 2012, when Barack Obama received 100 percent of the votes in 59 voting districts.  They know that Trump is no Mitt Romney (thank God!).

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Boy, Hillary must be seething

November 5, 2020 WND

But the thing that really had to bug Hillary were the dueling laptops. Here she was cruising to an easy win, maybe even turning Texas blue, when FBI Director James Comey decides to reopen the investigation into her server. If other Democrats think of James Comey as a rock star for ratting out Trump, Hillary can only think of him as the oversized showboater who derailed her campaign 11 days before the election.

Worse, her emails were found on the laptop of BFF Huma Abedin’s husband, Anthony Weiner, still another Democratic perv. Then the media actually went and reported this as though it were news. The nerve! All momentum died with the discovery. This reversal of fortune was hard enough to swallow, but when the New York Post unearthed Hunter Biden’s laptop, whose secrets were many times more damaging to Biden than Weiner’s secrets were to her, the media went totally dark to protect him.

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Trump improves Wisconsin vote total by 200,000 and loses?

American Thinker

As Stalin once said, it’s not the votes that count, it’s who counts the votes.

Something is rotten in the State of Wisconsin.  Observers should be asking themselves how the least attractive Democratic nominee in anyone’s memory — a quintessential old white man, senile to boot — managed to secure nearly 250,000 more votes than Hillary Clinton did in her glass-shattering year of 2016, an 18-percent increase.

The answer to this question is turnout, by any means necessary.  In Wisconsin, an astounding 88 percent of those registered to vote seem to have voted.  In Ohio, another battleground state, the turnout was a much more typical 68 percent.

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Why Democrats Still Love to Spy on Americans

October 28, 2020 American Spectator

Michael Hasting’s expose on John Brennan ended here. (NY Daily News)

The very last op-ed progressive journalist Michael Hastings wrote for BuzzFeed was titled, “Why Democrats Love to Spy on Americans.” Ten days later, on June 17, 2013, Hastings emailed his BuzzFeed associates warning them, “The Feds are interviewing my ‘close friends and associates.’ ” He added that he was “onto a big story” and had to go “off the rada[r] for a bit … hope to see you all soon.”

Hastings did not get to see those associates soon or otherwise. In the early morning hours of June 18, his leased Mercedes crashed into a palm tree at high speeds in a residential Los Angeles neighborhood. The car burst into flames upon impact, and Hastings’s body was burned beyond recognition.

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Media Firemen Scramble to Save Biden Candidacy

American Thinker

in Ray Bradbury’s 1953 dystopian sci-fi classic, Fahrenheit 451, the state employs “firemen” to burn paper lest the few civilians who care about books avail themselves of information the state does not want them to have. During the Biden stretch run, the firemen on the left have shredded what is left of their reputations as journalists to destroy information the Deep State does not want their audiences to have.

“We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions,” NPR’s Chief Fireman for News, Terence Samuel, told his audience in the way of answering a reader question about the Hunter Biden scandal. “And quite frankly, that’s where we ended up, this was… a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way.” NPR’s public editor added that, in any case, “the assertions don’t amount to much.”

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Biden’s fawning speech in Moscow – down the memory hole

October 22, 2020 WND

To position Trump as a Putin puppet on the 2020 campaign trail, as Biden and his media proxies continue to do, they have had to overlook Biden’s excellent Moscow adventures and shove his 2011 speech at Moscow State University down the memory hole. “I want to publicly as well thank President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin for their hospitality,” said Biden at the speech’s beginning. “We have very good meetings, very long meetings, and I hope, productive.” Yes, that Vladimir Putin.

Biden reminded his audience that it was he who in 2009 proposed the now notorious “reset button.” Said Biden, “We wanted to literally reset this relationship, reset it in a way that reflected our mutual interests, so that our countries could move forward together.”

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Philadelphia: The Perversely Perfect Spot for Obama to Resurface

October 19, 2020 American Thinker

In 2012, knowing they were all but immune from the law, Philadelphians came to Obama’s aid once again. “It’s one thing for a Democratic presidential candidate to dominate a Democratic city like Philadelphia,” the Philadelphia Inquirer reported much too casually, “but check out this head-spinning figure: In 59 voting divisions in the city, Mitt Romney received not one vote. Zero. Zilch.”

Obama outscored Romney by a combined 19,605 to zero votes cast in these 59 districts. Saddam Hussein never did that well. That said, not a single major media outlet followed up on the Philadelphia story.

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Big Time China Whore Bailed Out Biden in Iowa

American Spectator

Ron Brown’s Body tells the full story of Schwartz’s borderline treason.

Hunter Biden’s business associates used the term “China Inc.” as a generic term to describe the Chinese system of enterprise that holds the door open for Americans with useful knowledge or influence. As is becoming more and more obvious, Hunter Biden was peddling influence.

If China Inc. has an all-time MVP, however, that award belongs to a man who came to China rich with knowledge and traded that knowledge for major dollars. In January 2020 that same man gave some of those dollars to a struggling Joe Biden. As the Politico headline phrased it, Bernard Schwartz was one of “the big donors bankrolling Biden onslaught in Iowa.”

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Lake Erie and the ‘Science of Climate Change’

October 16, 2020 FrontPage Mag

By the summer of 2019, even the The New York Times had noticed. Wrote Mitch Smith, “The higher water, which set records this summer on some Great Lakes could be part of an expensive new normal.” Left unsaid was that this “new normal” fully reversed the old “new normal” from just six years prior.

If there were a Pulitzer for sophistry, it would have to go the headline writer for the 2019 Scientific American article titled, “Climate Change Sends Great Lakes Water Levels Seesawing.” Not wanting to be pinned down, the authors argued that “rapid transitions between extreme high and low water levels in the Great Lakes represent the ‘new normal’.” As President Trump might say: “I don’t think the science knows.” And that, my fellow deniers, is the real new normal.

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Who Will Have Written Obama’s New Book? (Not Obama)

American Thinker

Mainstream biographer Christopher Andersen confirmed Bill Ayers’s involvement in his Obama-friendly 2009 book, Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage.  Andersen’s sources in Obama’s Hyde Park neighborhood told him that Obama found himself deeply in debt and “hopelessly blocked.”  At “Michelle’s urging,” Obama “sought advice from his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers.”

What attracted the Obamas were “Ayers’s proven abilities as a writer” as evident in his 1993 book To Teach.  Noting that Obama had already taped interviews with many of his relatives, both African and American, Andersen elaborates, “These oral histories, along with his partial manuscript and a trunkload of notes were given to Ayers.”  Ayers himself took credit for Dreams on multiple occasions, usually, but not always, with a wink and a nod.

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