Did Democrat ‘Bird-Doggers’ Disrupt Congress on January 6?

Paul Ehrlich and fellow futurists toast coming apocalypse
Amid all the talk of undercover agents and informers from the various police services instigating violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, Democrat party operatives have managed to escape attention. This is an oversight that needs correction.
In doing research for a book on the women of January 6, I came across the curious case of Emanuel Jackson. Although Jackson does not exactly fit the media profile of a raging white supremacist, there is no denying his involvement.
On January 20, 2021, the Department of Justice charged Jackson with two counts of “assault on a federal officer while armed with a deadly or dangerous weapon” and one count “of unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds while armed with a dangerous or deadly weapon.”
Thanksgiving comes early at Charlottesville High
When candidate Joe Biden launched his 2020 presidential campaign, he offered events at Charlottesville, Virginia, as his rationale for running.
Biden specifically citedTrump’s allegedly racist reaction to a 2017 dust-up in Charlottesville, shamelessly misrepresenting Trump’s comments about the violent clash.
“We are in the battle for the soul of this nation,” said Biden. He warned that if
Trump were reelected, “He will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation, who we are, and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.”
More recent events at Charlottesville High School (CHS) suggest that Biden’s battle has already been lost, So chaotic is the environment at the high school in this leafy university town that 30 teachers staged a sick-out on Friday, forcing the school to stay closed through Thanksgiving. No one should be surprised. Principal Rashaad Pitt, at least until he was canned this week, listed as his foremost area of expertise “restorative justice.”
‘In the Old America, This Would Provoke an Uprising’
No stranger to hypocrisy, Hillary Clinton set a breathtaking new standard with her denunciation of convicted meme jokester Douglass Mackey. The context was an April 2023 discussion with former House speaker Nancy Pelosi at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, where Hillary is reportedly a professor.
“Democracy requires at least a minimal level of trust,” said Hillary with the semblance of a straight face. “So if we are going to turn our politics over to people who — maybe just for the heck of it — are making up stuff to misrepresent leaders, or maybe because they know they can achieve it if they do, then where does this stop?”
Mackey’s crime was to pass along a meme he found online titled, “Save Time, Avoid the Line.” This meme, said Hillary, who knows something about election subversion, “went from speech to action meant to subvert the election.” Graced with a picture of a smiling Hillary, the meme then directed readers to text their vote to a given number. Try as hard as they might, prosecutors could not find not a single one of the “thousands of people” Hillary claimed to have been affected by this transparent joke.
How George Floyd Actually Died
As it happens, my office overlooks the main drag of Kansas City’s counterculture/ homeless hub. On one lonely day during the weird COVID spring of 2020, I heard screaming out on the street, not unusual here, but when it persisted, I went down to check it out.
What I saw wasn’t pretty. A white male Kansas City police officer was kneeling on the neck of a woman. My first thought? “Thank God she’s white.” The woman was large and rambunctious. Using just a well-applied knee, the officer managed to hold her in place for at least ten minutes until back-up arrived. The arriving cops slipped a Hannibal-the-Cannibal mask over her face. That wasn’t pretty either. Take-downs never are. I had considered recording the incident on my cellphone, but I chose not to. In retrospect, I should have. (READ MORE from Jack Cashill: The Semantic Burden of Speaking While White)
From the moment I saw the edited video of George Floyd’s arrest a few weeks later, I knew better than to accept the media verdict. Derek Chauvin used exactly the same maneuver my local cop did. The woman in Kansas City had lungs enough to wake a neighborhood. Floyd did not. The problem, I suspected, was not with Chauvin, but with Floyd.
Michelle Obama: The Black Face of White Flight
Last weekend, former Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod kicked the Democrat barn doors open, suggesting on X that it may be time “to change horses.” If that horse just happens to be former first lady Michelle Obama, America will be in for one hell of a ride. Knowing her potential to spark turmoil within the party, Axelrod hedged his bets.
“A lot will happen in the next year that no one can predict & Biden’s team says his resolve to run is firm,” he cautioned. “He’s defied [conventional wisdom] before but this will send tremors of doubt thru the party — not ‘bed-wetting,’ but legitimate concern.” The “this” to which Axelrod referred was a poll showing Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by comfortable margins in five of six swing states and hanging close in the sixth.
Nashville manifesto shows us how CRT grows the ‘T’ in LGBT
“The number of young people who identify as transgender has nearly doubled in recent years,” the New York Times informed us a year ago. Not surprisingly the study found that people 13 to 25 accounted for a disproportionately largely share of the transgender population. “The bewildering question,” asked one doctor, is “why this is all happening.”
An answer to that question might be found in the “manifesto” left behind by Nashville school shoot shooter “Aiden” (born “Audrey Elizabeth”) Hale, the aspiring transgender who shot and killed three 9-year-olds and three staff members at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, on March 27, 2023.
What Tucker and Megyn Kelly missed in their Chauvin exposés
Giving credit where it’s due, popular podcasters Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly recently ignored the media taboo and openly addressed the railroading of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and his three colleagues.
As refreshing as their discussions were, both Carlson and Kelly seemed unaware of a critical bit of exculpatory information that was first revealed more than two years ago. At that time, no one at their level in the media dared address the obvious injustice unfolding in Minneapolis. As the world knows, the four officers were imprisoned for their respective roles in the death of chronic felon and drug abuser George Floyd in May of 2020.