A disturbing killing, and the media won’t touch it
As I write this on September 16, the New York Times has yet to mention Andreas Probst, the retired 64-year-old California police chief brutally murdered on August 14 in Las Vegas. The initial silence is understandable. Probst was killed while bicycling at about 6 A.M. along a quiet road. The assumption was that he was the unfortunate victim of a careless driver who fled the scene.
By August 31, the media had access to the video recorded in real time by the passenger in the vehicle. It is chilling. The driver and his companion, both males, had apparently stolen the Hyundai in which they were driving at high speeds.
One theory as to where Joe Biden got his fake names
As the House Oversight Committee recently revealed, President Joe Biden used at least three aliases in his email correspondences. The major media, probably out of ignorance, missed the likely code embedded in those names.
In Time magazine, for instance, Brian Bennett wrote, “Joe Biden used Gmail addresses with the name ‘robinware456’ and ‘JRBWare’ during his time as Vice President. He also used a government-issued pci.gov account with the name ‘Robert.L.Peters.'” Bennett’s article is titled “Here’s What We Know About the Email Aliases Joe Biden Used While Vice President,” but Bennett does not even guess at the meaning of the chosen names.
I suspect Bennett does not know who Whittaker Chambers is, and I would bet my house to his mailbox that he hasn’t read Chambers’s masterful autobiography, Witness. As a quick refresher, during the 1930s, Chambers, an American citizen, organized spy rings of up-and-coming New Dealers eager to help him serve his Soviet masters.
JFK Is Easy, Now Do TWA Flight 800
On Saturday, the New York Times surprised many people, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. among them, with a lengthy article questioning the “single bullet theory” in the November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The man who got the Times’ attention is Paul Landis, a long-retired Secret Service agent who stood on the running board of Kennedy’s car that fateful day. What is odd about that attention is how little new information Landis adds to the conversation.
The Rosa Parks story they don’t want you to remember
In my new book, “Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities,” I make the argument that those who could flee the growing disorder of post-1960s urban America, fled.
Only whites were shamed for fleeing, but blacks fled as well. In the book, I tell the stories of Whitney Houston’s mother, Cissy, Kanye West’s mother, Donna, and Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson.
All made the conscious decision to pull their children from harm’s way when their neighborhood and its schools broke down around them. “Call it black flight or whatever,” said West after her son was mugged, “I was ready to go.”
Did Beau Biden have Obama accuser Larry Sinclair arrested?
Wednesday at 6 p.m. Eastern, Tucker Carlson will roll out his interview with Larry Sinclair on X. Tens of millions of people will see it. The Obamas probably will not be among them.
The Bidens, however, may want to watch. Joe’s late son, Beau, may have been involved with Sinclair, not as a sex partner, but as a prosecutor. In January 2008, Sinclair fueled rumors about Obama’s sexuality when he went up on YouTube with his allegations of a two-day coke and sex romp with Obama in 1999.
Cancel Culture Trickles Down: An Up-Close Look
Here’s how bad it has gotten. In a small Republican-leaning town, in a Trump +20 county, the local library board felt free to
“disinvite” from speaking a mainstream conservative author with a dozen C-SPAN Book-TVs under his belt.
That author happens to be me. I had been reading about cancel culture for years, but I had never experienced it firsthand. Given the intimacy of a small-town environment, I have been able to document in detail how the whole process played out. As I learned, there is a banality to this kind of soft-core silencing that makes it even more insidious than an outright ban by hard-core censors.
Is Barack Obama the real life Manchurian Candidate?
Having written four books about Barack Obama, I read Jamie Glazov’s new book, “Barack Obama’s True Legacy,” not expecting any surprises. To my surprise, I was pleasantly surprised.
Glazov, the editor, assigned subject matter experts to review Obama’s policy decisions as president, with a focus on foreign policy. This strategy provides a depth of reporting not found in other assessments of the Obama presidency, my own included.
It’s unlikely that future Obama historians will know more about the Muslim Brotherhood than Robert Spencer, more about communism than Trevor Loudon, more about Benghazi than Clair Lopez, more about Israel than Daniel Greenfield or Dov Lipman, or more about Russia than J.R. Nyquist, just to name a few.