In his impressive 2019 documentary and book of the same name, “The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud That Divided America,” Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert proved beyond any doubt what I and others had long suspected.
The prosecution’s key witness, Rachel Jeantel, was an impostor. To confirm his suspicions, Gilbert went and found the real “phone witness,” Brittany Diamond Eugene, a then 16-year-old Haitian-American hottie. Based on Gilbert’s dogged research, George Zimmerman and his attorneys filed suit against Crump and others, including Trayvon’s parents.
Specifically, Zimmerman accused Crump et al. of “conspiring to switch and/or cover up the identity of Defendant Eugene who was the real phone witness to the events prior to Trayvon Martin’s death, by substituting an impostor and fake witness, Defendant Jeantel.”