“Guilty on all counts?” One can almost hear the more astute radicals saying in Minneapolis. “What good does Derek Chauvin do us in prison?” Even a lesser charge would have given them a license to riot. While the angry young mill about in the streets not quite sure where to place their anger, the Democratic leadership blathers on about “systemic racism,” indifferent to the fact that the left controls every system in America more influential than My Pillow.
Then too, the fact that a jury was quick to send a white police officer to prison, possibly for life, for the incidental death of a black career felon suggests that the “system” is not terribly supportive of its “racists.” As to the easily frightened right, including the more “responsible” conservative media, they exhausted their moral energy defending Dr. Seuss. A century ago, as today, fear drove much of the reporting on the Sacco-Vanzetti phenomenon.