In his controversial new book on the 2020 election, Battle For The Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump. Edward-Isaac Dovere repeats a canard that has become

New book is available for pre-sale. Release date is July 6.
something of a staple of Democratic mythology. According to Dovere, in November 2020, then-president Barack Obama had a hard time making sense out of Hillary Clinton’s loss “to a man he thought of as a moronic carnival barker.” Dovere traced Obama’s grudge against Donald Trump to the birth certificate issue.
Obama, writes Dovere, “would never forgive [Trump] for turning a fringe obsession with his birth certificate into an issue he’d had to address from the White House briefing room in 2011.” Dovere errs on several counts. Trump was not the one who turned the birth certificate into an issue. Obama was. Nor did Obama have to address the issue from the White House. He could have easily settled it in his attorney’s office three years earlier. More importantly, perhaps, it was not the birth certificate that provoked Obama’s wrath. It was Trump’s ability to see Obama the same way Obama saw himself — as a fraud.