I have always had trouble with critics — allies included, allies especially — who weigh in with strong opinions on a movie they have not seen. So I decided to take one for the team and check out the highly controversial film Cuties, a French import originally titled Mignonnes.
As I spelled out C-U-T-I-E-S letter by letter in the search box, I had a moment of trepidation, wondering whether I had hooked into some algorithm especially attuned to pedophiles. Here is hoping I didn’t.
A pedophile, I confirmed by watching, I am not. To cut to the chase, I found the sexual posturing by our 11-year-old protagonists repulsive and the movie an unwelcome journey to a moral no-go zone. I fully understood why the film lacked a “No preteen girls were harmed in the making of this film” disclaimer. They were harmed.