In the fifteen years since Jill Biden became a “doctor” — Whoopi Goldberg once pitched her to become

As Stalin once said, it’s not the votes that count, it’s who counts the votes.
surgeon general — the average school of education has gone from being merely a bad joke to becoming scarily woke.
The reader need not take my word for it. The schools of education boast of their eagerness to subvert just about everything you believe in. Even the University of Delaware invites its students to pull information “from the social sciences, situated cognition, critical pedagogy, critical race theory, feminist theory, and disabilities studies,” all the better to twist young minds. Today, without that information, such as it is, a would-be educator has no career.
In the mind-twisting department, history teacher Gabriel Gipe of Natomas, California made the mistake of boasting about his desire to do just that. Gipe was recorded by Project Veritas saying, “I have 180 days to turn [students] into revolutionaries,” his technique of choice being “to scare the f— out of them.” The Natomas Unified School District was quick to assure the Sacramento-area parents, “The actions and approaches taken by one teacher do not represent the overall staff, students and school community.”
No, not every educator at Natomas has a hammer and sickle tattooed on his chest, but as one angry parent asked, “where the hell was the principal? Where were the vice principals? Where was the faculty of the school? Where was the superintendent, where was the rest of the district? Where were you?” Unknown to the parents, the adult educators had already been indoctrinated themselves.