It is a job like no other for a more disturbing reason. If lawyers make mistakes, they might get disbarred. If doctors make mistakes, even lethal ones, they might get sued. If cops make mistakes, they get arrested. In April, not far from here, police veteran Kim Potter shot a resisting suspect. Although the shooting was undeniably an accident, Potter was promptly arrested and charged with second-degree manslaughter.

America’s Dreyfus
Unlike other professionals, cops cannot expect equal justice under the law. White cops like Potter clearly run more legal risk than non-whites, at least when the suspect is black. The mobs demanded Potter’s arrest, and they got it. In Washington, on January 6, a still unnamed Capitol Police officer shot and killed an unarmed white female Air Force veteran without warning. The mobs were silent. So were the media. The officer went unpunished. That is not equal justice.