To give credit where due, I cannot imagine another journalist writing a biography of Elon Musk as smart, thorough, and forthright as Walter Isaacson’s recently released Elon Musk. To document Musk’s career so competently took an effort worthy of a Robert Caro and an intellect nearly comparable to Musk’s own.
Given his talent, it is all the more unfortunate that Isaacson cannot follow Musk to the end of his journey. As Isaacson acknowledges, Musk took a “red pill” along the way, and Isaacson, a creature of the liberal establishment, is addicted to the blue. (READ MORE from Jack Cashill: Banned Books Week in the Age of Biden)
As Isaacson explains to those many readers unaware of the concept, the red pill is a plot device in the 1999 movie The Matrix. A hacker, Neo, learns from his mentor Morpheus that he has been living in a virtual, computer-generated world designed, says Morpheus, “to blind you from the truth.”