Big Brother is counting.
At the beginning of the 2020 NFL season, CNN editors ran a headline that, without intending, spoke to the reason why NFL ratings plummeted this year: “Here’s how NFL Sunday games highlighted racial inequality in the U.S.” On day 1, the NFL opened a Pandora’s box of grievances, more imagined than real. The airing of these grievances has succeeded only in driving viewers away. As the NFL execs have learned, fans don’t watch football to be lectured to, especially by people who have no idea what they are lecturing about.
If federal thoughtpolice learned that a police or fire department had employment numbers like the NFL’s, they would seize it tomorrow and frog march the chiefs to the nearest reeducation center. The reason for the feds’ dismay should be obvious. Beyond silly lip service, NFL teams pay no attention at all to the equity messages coming out of the White House.
Unlike the woke ad execs who scruple almost comically over the race, gender, age, sexual orientation and handicap status of every actor in every ad shown during an NFL game, NFL coaches and GMs don’t give a damn about any of that stuff. Setting the NFL apart from every other professional association, the league has no “metric” for race or sex or age let alone for sexual orientation or handicap status. The “metrics” that matter are height, weight, bench press, 40-yard dash and, yes, even intelligence.