New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was on a roll. In 2006 Cuomo was elected New York state attorney general without breaking a sweat. In

Cuomo’s lucky it was just a kneecapping.
2010, then President Barack Obama passed the word to New York state’s incumbent black governor David Paterson to step aside and let Cuomo run for governor.
In November 2010, when Democrats were getting shellacked from coast to coast, Cuomo won in a landslide. In 2014 and again in 2018, Cuomo was reelected comfortably. Then in December 2020, a month after the Democrats “elected” the mentally unstable Joe Biden president and the erratic and unlikeable Kamala Harris vice president, Big Media turned on its golden boy. The fact that Cuomo more or less killed thousands of grannies and then lied about it did not disturb the Democratic base nearly as much as did the newly discovered toxicity of his masculinity.