Last Wednesday, the attorneys for former Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao filed a motion that should

The tumbrils are rolling in Minneapolis
have been headline news on the right side of the internet. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. No surprise. For the past year, conservative media and political leaders have been shockingly quiet about the flagrant assaults on due process surrounding the death of George Floyd.
Feeling they had to say something about the Derek Chauvin verdict, the Republicans in Congress seemed to take their cues from Pontius Pilate. “I think the jury did its job,” said Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst all too typically, “and I would – I did not follow, of course, all the parts of the trial, but I would say that given the information they received, they did their job, and I guess I’m in agreement.” The sound of hands being washed echoed throughout Capitol Hill.
Thao was Derek Chauvin’s partner. A nine-year veteran of the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), Thao is the son of Hmong parents who fled the communists in Southeast Asia only to find the commies’ ideological heirs dictating justice in the riotous streets of Minneapolis.