
Jack's latest book: TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, And The Conspiracy. Order now!
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For all their internal disagreements—should, for instance, gays be celebrated or stoned to death?—the various subcults of the larger progressive movement have learned from each other and absorbed each other’s tactics. The more political among American Muslims have proved particularly creative in their adaptations. . . . [more]
Where in the World Is Molly Norris?
July 31, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Today, if anyone of note, let alone the president, says so much as an unkind word about Islamic Congresswomen Omar Ilhan or Rashida Tlaib, progressive editorialists rage and their audiences swoon.
Unfortunately for Molly Norris, progressives do not extend that level of care and concern to their own. . . [more]
Who Wrote the Mueller Report?
July 27, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
It was in the pages of the American Thinker in October 2008 that I made the first in-depth case for Bill Ayers's involvement in the writing of Barack Obama's Dreams from My Father. Given that Obama was assumed to be a genius, the mainstream media and, alas, the media of the respectable right wanted nothing to do with my ostensibly "racist" research. Racism explains all. What else could have been my motive?. . .[more]
Forget Trump, It Was Obama Who Hated The Media
July 24 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“And I think that if Donald Trump is re-elected, and in the second term, maybe a reporter ends up in jail, maybe one of those investigators being investigated for the third time now ends up in jail," so said Nicolle Wallace who plays a journalist on MSNBC.
The beauty of reporting for a network like MSNBC--or just about every other network for that matter--is that you address an audience that was spared just about all news of presidential mischief from 2008 to 2016. . . [more]
You Can’t Tell the Racists Without a Scorecard
July 17, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
According to a 2016 study by the by the non-partisan Public Religion Research Institute, self-identified liberals are three times more likely than conservatives to “unfriend” someone on social media for political reasons.
I hew to this norm. I have never unfriended a relative or a real friend on Facebook for political reasons. . . [more]
The Confused World of Megan Rapinoe
July 10, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Full disclosure: I think soccer is a bore. I watch as little of it as I can. Authorities could improve the game considerably just by making the goals a little bigger, but that is a story for another day . . . [more]
How Barack Obama betrayed Colin Kaepernick
July 3, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The Obama presidency left many victims behind but none more aggressively conspicuous than Nike poster child Colin Kaepernick.
The former San Francisco 49er quarterback forced his way back into the news this week with his reported demand that Nike pull its sneaker line adorned with a Betsy Ross flag. According to the Wall Street Journal, Kaepernick and comrades found the sneakers “offensive.” . . . [more]
So When does O'Keefe Get His Pulitzer?
June 26, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On Wednesday, the major media were compelled, however reluctantly, to acknowledge James O’Keefe once again.
This time, President Trump forced their hand. “We should be suing Google and Facebook and all that,” said Trump during a phone interview with Fox Business Network.
The Washington Post’s Tony Romm grudgingly conceded that Trump’s remark “came in response to a video posted online by Project Veritas, an organization founded by James O’Keefe. . . ” . . . [more]
How Trump Reversed the Obama Murder Surge
June 19, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
A December 2018 headline in the New York Times heralded the rare bit of good news the Times allows its readers in the Age of Trump. It read simply, “U.S. Murder Rate for 2018 Is on Track for a Big Drop.”. . . [more]
Why the Left “Evolved” on Gay Rights
June 12, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
A leftist Rip Van Winkle, waking after just 30 years, would be flabbergasted to see his comrades slicing and dicing a vice president of the United States for his administration’s decision not to fly rainbow flags over U.S. embassies.
Having fallen asleep in his Che Guevara T-shirt, he would groggily ask his commune mates, “What’s up with that?”
If Rip remembered right, his hero Che was particularly keen on "reeducating" gay and effeminate men and dispatched thousands, without charge or trial, to concentration camps. . . [more]
African American Candidates Polling at 1 Percent in Iowa
June 11, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
One day, black Democrats will wake up and say, "We've been had." For a half century, African Americans have been giving Democrats a huge majority of their votes in national elections -- 91 percent for Hillary in 2016, 90 percent in the 2018 Congressional contests -- and in return Democratic kingmakers have not seen fit to take a single presidential candidate of African-American heritage seriously. . .[more]
Will “Corrupt Media” Save Plagiarist Biden this time?
June 5, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Late on Tuesday President Trump tweeted, “Plagiarism charge against Sleepy Joe Biden on his ridiculous Climate Change Plan is a big problem, but the Corrupt Media will save him.” The president may be correct. . . [more]
Will MLK Revelation Save Thomas Jefferson?
May 29, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Without intending to, civil rights historian David Garrow may have just preserved the legacy of Thomas Jefferson. In a Standpoint article due to be published Thursday, Garrow reports on the FBI memos that were part of a substantial US National Archives data dump from earlier this year. Among the revelations from the FBI’s year-long bugging of King’s hotel rooms is that King had sex with more than 40 women, participated in orgies, and most damningly, stood by and laughed as a friend raped a woman. . . [more]
Did Trump Send TWA 800 Signal at Montoursville?
May 22, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On Monday, President Donald Trump held a rally in Montoursville, Pennsylvania.
Not many people have heard of Montoursville, a pleasant little town of fewer than 5,000 people. But those who have include the CIA analysts, FBI honchos, and Clinton White House operatives who orchestrated the cover-up of the TWA 800 crash. . . [more]
Why did Trump Hold a Rally in This Small Pennsylvania Town?
May 22, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
If there was a reason President Donald Trump chose the small Pennsylvania town of Montoursville to hold a campaign rally, no one in the media is saying what it is. In the absence of any answers. . .[more]
No Wonder the Post Hid Obama’s Red Mentor
May 16, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In August 2008, back when it mattered, the Washington Post ran a 10,000-word article by its Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter David Maraniss, titled, “Though Obama Had to Leave to Find Himself, It Is Hawaii That Made His Rise Possible.” For reasons that will soon become clear, Maraniss should have excused himself from this assignment once he discovered the identity of the man in Hawaii who made that rise possible. . . [more]
Kamala Harris Has Blood On Her Hands
May 9, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“It has been 65 years since Emmett Till … and seven years since Trayvon Martin. Yet, this is still everyday life for young black people in America. Let’s speak that truth.” So tweeted U.S. senator and presidential aspirant Kamala Harris on May 5, the day after Darian Tawan Atkinson shot and killed 24-year Biloxi police veteran Robert McKeithen, the day after Baltimore concluded a weekend with 18 shootings, two of the victims being infants. . . [more]
Senator Sasse, Time to Grow Up
May 1, 2019 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Ben Sasse, a Republican senator from Nebraska, has the unfortunate habit of playing to the mainstream media. During his time questioning Attorney General William Barr during Wednesday’s hearings, he played his heart out. . . [more]
Son, It Was Obama We Journalists Had to Fear
April 30, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
"I was driving my then 11-year-old son somewhere, probably soccer practice, when he burst into tears and asked me, ‘is Donald Trump going to put you in prison?'" So claimed the embarrassingly serious Olivier Knox, the White House Correspondents Association president, at the association's annual grub fest on Saturday. . .[more]
A Tale of Two Singers and More Triggering “Racism”
April 24, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
As singers, Kate Smith and Paul Robeson have something in common. They each recorded the song, “That’s Why Darkies Were Born”. . . [more]
Not All Church Burning Theories Are Created Equal
April 17, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The opening sentence of a Monday Daily Beast story shows just how instinctively the media work to protect a politically useful narrative. . . [more]
The Left Officially Loses Its Mind
April 15, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
This past Thursday night Daily Wire writer Michael Knowles came to speak at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC). A mob of thirty or so students and hangers-on heckled him, and one sprayed him with what proved to be a non-toxic substance. . . . [more]
Media Give Candace O the Joe Frazier Treatment
April 10, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
For at least the last fifty years the media have been treating African Americans who reject left wing “values,” such as they are, as traitors to their race. . . [more]
On Joe McCarthy, Washington Post Gets It Embarrassingly Wrong
April 6, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The headline of Jonathan Zimmerman’s article in the Washington Post, “How Trump finally turned Republicans against McCarthyism,” alerted me to the possibility that Zimmerman has never spoken to a Republican in the wild. . . [more]
Macron comes out swinging against French 'fake news,' blames Trump, Bannon
April 5, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The headline on France 24, as translated, reads, “French political parties organize to counter French fake news.” In reality, “party” would seem more accurate than parties since the truth squad in question has been organized by President Macron’s La République en marche (LREM). Five full time employees and some “militant” volunteers will alert the media to anything that rubs the monitors the wrong way.
French media being as skewed as American media, the reader who guesses that “ultraconservateurs et des nationalistes” are the ones to be monitored will be rewarded for his cynicism. . . [more]
Hollywood Once Applauded Russian Collusion
April 3, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“Donald Trump is committing Treason against The United States of America,” tweeted director Rob Reiner a few months back. “He has turned the world’s oldest Democracy into a wholly owned subsidiary of Vladimir Putin.”
A beneficiary of Hollywood’s chronic nepotism, Reiner was one of scores of celebrities accusing Trump of colluding with Russia.
Bill Maher sometimes knows better. Not this time. . . [more]
Obama’s Brennan Problem About to Explode?
March 28, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Barack Obama may not yet understand the effect the Mueller Report will have on his legacy. Caught up perhaps in the details of who said what to whom, he may overlook for the moment the report’s most significant consequence. His Praetorian Guard has been disarmed. The media will no longer be willing and able to protect Obama as they have for the last fifteen years. Obama’s greatest point of vulnerability is. . . [more]
22 Incidents to Cause Dem Frogs to Hop Out Of the Pot
March 20, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Imagine yourself as the proverbial frog swimming always leftward in a pot with your fellow Democrats. Although they seem comfortable with the increasing warmth of the water, you are not. You suspect your boiling point is lower than theirs and contemplate hopping out while still you can. The question you ask yourself now is what will be the trigger. Will it be when. . . [more]
Malia, Michelle, Barack and the College Admissions Scandal
March 18 , 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
What shocked even the old timers in my hometown was that Mayor Hugh Addonizio, the man who gave me my Eagle Scout Award, would accept kickbacks in cash right across his desk. They were troubled less by his criminality—that was expected in Newark--than by his lack of subtlety. . . [more]
Ilhan Omar’s Jaw-Dropping Doublethink on Dual Allegiances
March 14, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Somalia-born Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has made more waves in two months than most members of congress do in a lifetime. Indeed, were it not for the equally telegenic congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Omar would be the clear frontrunner for the Democrats’ rookie of year honors. . . [more]
How Duck Dynasty Showed Tucker the Way
March 13, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
This past week the outrage machinery zeroed in on Fox News host Tucker Carlson for comments he made on a shock jock radio show a decade or so ago. Once dredged up by the junior varsity Stasi at Media Matters, these comments were alleged to have offended someone or another. . . [more]
For Real Collusion, Nothing Tops Clinton and China
March 6, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
For those of us who know the inside dope on the Clinton years, the pursuit of President Trump on collusion charges with Russia is pure Keystone Cops. . . [more]
Remembering Obama’s Bogus Selma Speech
March 4 , 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Along with some other presidential hopefuls, Hillary Clinton spoke in Selma, Alabama, on Sunday to commemorate the famed civil right march that put that city on the map.
Hillary was not the first politician to conjure up an ersatz southern accent to show her street cred. . . [more]
If They Graded Hoaxes Like Hurricanes
February 27, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Laird Wilcox, arguably the nation’s foremost hate crime hoax detector, has had a lot to keep himself busy lately.
The Jussie Smollett hoax has finally forced the mainstream media to acknowledge what Wilcox and others paying attention have known for decades: the left has been shamelessly spinning politically useful hoaxes since the October Revolution a century ago. . . [more]
Why Media Buried Newark Schoolyard Massacre
February 20, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Whenever there is a mass murder in the United States, leftist trolls immediately take to Twitter to mock some feature of traditional America they despise. . . [more]
For the Record, Obama Made Mincemeat of the Constitution
February 18 , 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Good constitutional arguments can be made for or against President Trump’s evocation of emergency powers to address the crisis at our Southern border. But the notion that such a declaration would encourage a future Democratic president to do something similar borders on the comic. Democrats don’t need encouragement. . . [more]
The Slow Death of the Green New Deal Express
February 13, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The decision by new California Governor Gavin Newsom to “scale back” the planned high speed rail from Los Angeles to San Francisco has not gotten nearly the attention—or derision—it deserves.
In the revised plan, the train will only go from Bakersfield to Merced. To put this in context, it is as if the planners of a high speed rail from New York to Washington settled on a route from Newark to Camden. . . [more]
Gov. Northam and the Death of Irreverence
February 6 , 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The first question any conservative should have asked himself about a picture of a high school kid supposedly harassing an old Indian guy beating a drum was, “Why is this image newsworthy?”. . . [more]
What If Trayvon Had Lived To Be 24?
February 6, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On Tuesday, February 5, “Trayvon Martin” was trending on Twitter. The tweets that follow are highly representative:
“Trayvon Martin would be 24-years-old today but he was murdered in 2012 by a violent racist.”. . . [more]
Will Spike Lee Win An Affirmative Action Oscar?
January 30, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Thirty-three years after his directorial debut, Spike Lee was nominated last week for a “best director” Oscar, his first such nomination. The timing is suspect and, for Lee, unfortunate. . . [more]
Heads Should Roll at National Review
January 23, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
To his credit, National Review editor Rich Lowry has apologized more than once for his and the publication’s initial response to the flap at the Lincoln Memorial involving the kids from Covington Catholic. He has much to apologize for. . . [more]
What the Right Should Learn From Covington Catholic Flap
January 22, 2019 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The first question any conservative should have asked himself about a picture of a high school kid supposedly harassing an old Indian guy beating a drum was, “Why is this image newsworthy?”. . . [more]
The Dems’ Wall That Worked Until It Didn’t
January 16, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
When it comes to the subject of walls, the Democrats in Congress have a lot to be squeamish about. A little history is in order. . . [more]
The Hunt For the Great White Hitman
January 9, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The Kansas City television station Fox 4 KC collects all the recent victims of drive-by shootings on one Web page. Here are some sample headlines. . . [more]
If Only Romney Had Spoken Out in 2012
January 2, 2019, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In 2012, if he’d had half the nerve Donald Trump has, Mitt Romney would have been elected president of the United States. . . [more]
Back By Popular Demand: Electric Football
December 26, 2018, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Every other Christmas, in the guise of Santa, my kindly father would place under the tree a game that held an oddly wondrous appeal both for him and for us. The game was called simply “Electric Football.” I say “oddly” because Electric Football may well have been the single worst game ever created. . . [more]
Where the Vichy Weekly Standard Went Wrong
December 20, 2018, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On June 6, 2001, my partner James Sanders and I staged a pre-screening of our TWA 800 documentary “Silenced”for a tough audience, the Kansas City “hangar” of an organization known as the “Quiet Birdmen.”
There were close to a hundred people in attendance, the great majority of them retired airline, military, and freight pilots with a heavy TWA representation.
They sat in silence through the hour-long presentation. . . [more]
The FBI Manufactured "302s" Before Mueller
December 18, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Suddenly America is like the biggest oil producer, the biggest gas producer,” said Barack Obama in an impromptu remark at Rice University on Tuesday. “That was me people." After a minute of additional economic boasts, Obama instructed the audience, “Say ‘thank you.’”. . . [more]
Might Trump Be the Most Honest President Ever?
December 12, 2018, | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Watching President Trump’s confrontation on Tuesday with Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi on the subject of immigration, I found myself asking, “Is Donald Trump the most honest president ever?”. . . [more]
Apple, Is Killing Police “The Right Thing To Do”?
December 5, 2018, 2018, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
If an award were given for most Orwellian speech by a tech CEO—a highly competitive category—Apple’s Tim Cook would have a near lock on this year’s blue ribbon. . . [more]
Jihadis, Feminists Rally Against
“Baby, It’s Cold Outside”
December 4, 2018, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
An inveterate fan of Christmas music, I added to my Sirius presets the Hallmark Radio Channel—Channel 70, if you are looking--the day after Thanksgiving. I have been rotating this channel, which plays standards from the American songbook, with a Christian station that features more traditional Christian music.
I was pleased to hear that the Hallmark Channel continues to play the slightly naughty, 1949, call-and-response classic, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” Hallmark, in fact, may very well play this song in its multiple versions more than any other. . . [more]
The Nerve: Obama Takes Credit for America’s Energy Independence
November 29, 2018, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Suddenly America is like the biggest oil producer, the biggest gas producer,” said Barack Obama in an impromptu remark at Rice University on Tuesday. “That was me people." After a minute of additional economic boasts, Obama instructed the audience, “Say ‘thank you.’”. . . [more]
Christine Ford Raises $650,000, Mark Judge Struggles
November 28, 2018, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“I'm currently traveling and not talking about what happened too much,” Mark Judge tells me in an email.
Right now Judge is concentrating on finding work. An excellent writer—I highly recommend his book “Tremor of Bliss”—Judge became very nearly unemployable as the result of his unexpected and unwelcome public burning. . . [more]
The Escalating Assault on Citizen Journalism
November 26, 2018, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In December 1997, after the FBI arrested independent journalist James Sanders for investigating the destruction of TWA Flight 800, not a single reporter at a post-arraignment press conference managed to frame even one First Amendment question.. . . [more]
A Thanksgiving Lesson For Ms. Ocasio-Cortez
November 21, 2018, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York knows at least that there is such a thing as Thanksgiving. . . [more]
Jim Jones' Deadly Leftist Strategy Still Alive and Well
November 14, 2018, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Forty years ago Friday, in the jungles of Guyana, the late Jim Jones set a record for the mass murder of American citizens that held until September 11, 2001. . . [more]
Josh Hawley Beats McCaskill Despite His Hair
November 7, 2018, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Sitting at lunch in Kansas City before the election, I could not help but overhear two well dressed women loudly discussing the upcoming election. . . [more]
The Anti-Semites in Obama’s Neighborhood
October 31, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In his 1997 book, A Kind and Just Parent, Bill Ayers walked the reader through his Hyde Park neighborhood and identified the notable residents therein.
Among them was “Minister” Louis Farrakhan, of whom he wrote fondly, and “writer” Barack Obama. Obama respected Farrakhan as well. He attended his famous “Million Man March.”. . . [more]
Obama Does Believe in "Making Stuff Up"
October 25, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Earlier this week, in a Nevada speech, Obama amused the blogosphere with this impromptu declaration, "Unlike some, I actually try to state facts." . . . [more]
Gosnell Movie “Good Abortionist” Unnerves Left
October 17, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Saturday afternoon I headed to the local multiplex to see the 12:45 showing of “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer.” I presumed I had my pick of seats. I presumed wrong. Although I was 10 minutes early, I got the last one. . . [more]
Dr. Ford’s Willfully Tangled Web
October 16, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
It was not Shakespeare, but Sir Walter Scott who wrote, "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!” During her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 27, Christine Blasey Ford proved that Scott’s axiom is at least as valid today as it was two centuries ago. . .[more]
Uh, Dr. Ford, About That Trip to the Safeway
October 10, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
This Washington Post headline, “Mark Judge’s book validates Christine Blasey Ford’s timeline of the alleged Kavanaugh assault,”reminds us that there appear to be no real reporters left in the major media. . . [more]
The Left’s Dark Turn
October 8, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In October 1991, future Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano ushered in a bold new era in American political history. At the time a Democratic activist and an attorney in private practice, Napolitano was, for no good reason, monitoring the preliminary interview by Senate staffers of Susan Hoerchner. A California administrative judge, Hoerchner was the prime mover in the outing of Napolitano’s client, Anita Hill. . .[more]
Atticus Finch Did Not Believe “Survivor”
October 3, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The plot of the classic 1960 novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” hinges on one key fact: Attorney Atticus Finch, the man that liberals have historically seem as the avatar of their best selves, did not believe “survivor” Mayella Ewell. . . [more]
Remembering My First Mugging
October 1, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In the aftermath of the Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearing on Thursday, there was a good deal of discussion about how much victims of a traumatic experience are expected to remember. . .[more]
Tell Mary Jo “We Believe Survivors”
September 26, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On Monday evening a group of leftist activists drove Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife out of a DC restaurant with the persistent, if nonsensical, chant, “We believe survivors.” There is any number of problems with this scenario. . . [more]
Why We Know Clarence Thomas Was Framed
September 19, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh of drunkenly groping her when both were in high school, has attracted a share of believers because her charges are so specific, if not to time and place, at least to the type of sexual misconduct. . . [more]
Obama, How Hard Is It to Say Terrorists Are Bad?
September 12, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Improvisation has never been Barack Obama’s strong suit, and this failing was on full display in last week’s back-from-Elba speech denouncing President Trump. . . [more]
What Woodward Saw in the Clinton White House—And What He Missed
September 7, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
"It's very depressing. You want to read a depressing book, this is it," said one critic of a book by Bob Woodward. "It's a sad, horrible story with all the sordid details that I guess people will just, you know, slaver over, but the fact of the matter is, it's humorless and there's no warmth. . .[more]
The Big Lie in Jay-Z’s Trayvon Series: Part V
September 5, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Watching Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter’s six-part documentary series, “Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story,” one gets a sense of what the Moscow show trials of the 1930s must have been like. . . [more]
Mueller, Comey and the Deep State Rescue of Sandy Berger
September 4, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In April 2005, a Republican-led Department of Justice did something quite unusual. After catching a Democratic operative stealing and destroying highly relevant classified documents, the DOJ punished him as though he had stolen the Snickers bars from the office vending machine.
On October 28, 2005, another curious event took place in those same halls of justice: an allegedly Republican special prosecutor indicted a White House advisor of his own party for a series of process crimes unrelated to the original intent of his investigation. . .[more]
The Big Lie in Jay-Z’s Trayvon Series: Part IV
August 29, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
There is so much recklessly and carelessly wrong with Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter’s six-part documentary series, “Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story” that it is never easy to determine each episode’s most egregious lie. . . . [more]
Why I'm Proud to Be Catholic
August 22, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
About ten years ago, Bishop Robert Finn, a saintly man and orthodox priest, asked me to serve on the panel that would select the next superintendent for the Catholic schools of his Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese.
It was a bold move on the bishop’s part. He had recently inherited a spiritually liberal diocese that had predictably been much too cozy with the local Democratic Party. . . [more]
First They Came for Alex Jones
August 20, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
This past week, the nation’s newspapers took collective umbrage at being called “the enemy of the people” by President Trump. “That is what Nazis called Jews,” gasped the editors of the Kansas City Star. . .[more]
The Big Lie in Jay-Z’s Trayvon Series: Part III
August 15, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
At one point they interviewed George Zimmerman’s former neighbors, a young white couple named Michael and Olivia Berta . . . [more]
The Big Lie in Jay-Z’s Trayvon Series: Part II
August 8, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
It is hard to choose among the many deceptions in the second episode of Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter’s six-part documentary series, “Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story.” . . . [more]
The Big Lie in Jay-Z’s Trayvon Series: Part I
August 1, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Unlike the 1993 shooting death of Vince Foster or the 2016 shooting death of Seth Rich, there was no mystery about the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin. . . [more]
Paramount Owes America An Apology For Jay-Z's Trayvon Series
August 1, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
On Monday evening, the Paramount Networks aired the first part of a six-part documentary series on the death of Trayvon Martin called “Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story.” If multi-media impressario Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter had chosen to tell it, there was a story to be told here: a story about a boy bounced around among his biological parents and other relatives after his parents’ divorce; a story of a boy whose descent into drugs, guns, fighting, and burglary accelerated after his father left his stepmother, Alicia, his “rock,” when Trayvon was 15 . . . [more]
Question of the Summer: “Why Are the Liberals Acting So Crazy?”
July 25, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Once a year my extended family, 50 or so strong, convenes for a week in our ancestral summer redoubt, Seaside Park, New Jersey. . . [more]
TWA 800: The Deep State’s Deepest Secret
July 18, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On July 19, 1996, 22 years ago today, the major media reported the truth about the fate of TWA Flight 800 for the last time. . . [more]
Strzok Farce Shows Obstacles To Opening TWA 800 Case
July 17, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
On July 17, 1996, 22 years ago today, a missile or missiles blew TWA Flight 800 out of the sky off the south coast of Long Island. The plane out of JFK was on its way to Paris. All 230 souls on board, 53 of them TWA employees, died in the crash. This is not conjecture. This is fact. As I told the audience of TWA veterans with whom I spoke during my 2016 Book-TV presentation at the TWA Museum in Kansas City, “If I were coming here to spread some conspiracy theory, I would be dishonoring their memory [the 53] and insulting you.” . . . [more]
Is It Time To Revive the Epithet “Baby Killer”?
July 9, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
For the raging left of America it was just another day, another couple of incidents, one on CNN, one in a San Antonio Whataburger. In both cases, the person attacked was put on the defensive. Shocked by the intensity of the assault and the seeming impunity of the attacker, both victims could do little but search vainly for a comeback. . . [more]
Why Boise Murder Didn’t Trend on Twitter
July 4, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The glee was palpable on Twitter Sunday morning. According to first reports, a man with the benignly American name Timmy Kinner had rampaged through a Boise apartment complex slashing refugees with a knife. Timmy! Idaho! Refugees! This was a crime made in progressive heaven. . . [more]
Jay-Z Puts Fatwa on George Zimmerman’s Head, Media Mum
June 30, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In what may be the most reckless bit of leftist posturing yet, billionaire multi-media mogul Jay-Z has none too subtly asked his followers to kill George Zimmerman, the man acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin five years ago. . . [more]
Remembering Obama’s Imperial Presidency
June 27, 2018 | WND.com| by Jack Cashill
The chattering classes seem to agree with the ACLU that President Trump is “a one-man constitutional crisis.” . . . [more]
Border-Kids Protest Right Out of Comintern Playbook
June 20, 2018 | WND.com| by Jack Cashill
The “discovery” that some children are separated from their parents following the parents’ arrests for illegal border crossing is much too conveniently timed to convince anyone of the discoverers’ sincerity. . . [more]
The Anti-Profiling Movement Is Killing Black Pedestrians
June 18, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
From time to time, the media tell the truth about issues that have a racial edge, usually by accident. Such was the case in February of this year when a local TV news crew visited a largely black St. Louis neighborhood to follow up on a hit-and-run incident. . . [more]
How Deep is the Deep State? Look at History
June 13, 2018 | WND.com| by Jack Cashill
“Don’t worry when you go on,” Tommy Corcoran told John Stewart Service as he was about to enter the grand jury room. “This is double riveted from top to bottom.” By “double riveted” Corcoran meant the deal was sealed in every which way. . . [more]
Why President Trump Ought Not Pardon Muhammad Ali
June 9, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
President Donald Trump, we are told, is thinking "very seriously" about pardoning the late boxing great Muhammad Ali. While the move may have some useful public relations advantages, it further inflates a mythic balloon that should have been punctured a long time ago. Some background is in order. . . [more]
A Bloody New Stage in Ireland’s Self-Mutilation
May 29, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
"A nation that kills its own children has no future," said Pope John Paul II. If that be true, the Republic of Ireland signed away not only its future on Friday, but also the last vestiges of what had been the most distinctive and morally coherent culture in Europe. . . [more]
Finally, a Terrorist the Left Doesn’t Love
May 23, 2018 | WND.com| by Jack Cashill
When 62-year-old Shelley Shannon was released from a federal prison earlier this week after nearly 25 years of incarceration, many on the left were demanding that she be denied her freedom.
Shannon was sentenced to prison for 11 years for in the non-fatal shooting of Wichita abortionist George Tiller in 1993 and another 20 years for a string of abortion clinic fire bombings. . . [more]
How the FBI, CIA, and NYT Collaborated to Sway the 1996 Election
May 22, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The idea is floated frequently that the still nameless Russian collusion scandal is “worse than Watergate.” It may well be, but that comparison overlooks a more useful parallel. . . [more]
Why Media Never Called Tom Wolfe a “Conservative”
May 16, 2018 | WND.com| by Jack Cashill
On Monday, Tom Wolfe, the greatest conservative author of the last half century, died in New York City at 88 years of age.
Astonishingly, in memorializing Wolfe’s career, the media failed to point out that Tom Wolfe was a conservative, but a conservative Wolfe most certainly was. . . [more]
Swedes Lead Bethune-Cookman to “Minority” Golf Title
May 15, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“The Bethune Cookman Men were led by medalist Marcus Sundlof, of Sweden (65-70-71 206), who bested his teammate Christian Hovstadius for the honor by seven strokes.”
So reads one of the more revealing sentences in a PGA website article on the soi-disant “PGA Minority Collegiate Championship,” which was staged this past weekend in Florida.
Forgive my French here. . . [more]
Why George Zimmerman “Stalked” Jay-Z’s Private Eye
May 9, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Possibly for the first time in the history of modern media, a private investigator complained to the authorities about being “stalked.”. . . [more]
Why the Media Are Mum About Comedy Central’s 2011 Trump Roast
May 8, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In March 2011, the cable channel Comedy Central staged a celebrity roast of Donald Trump. Hosted by Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane, the show featured a crew of B or C List entertainers mocking each other and, of course, Trump, the subject of the roast. . . [more]
Jay-Z “Trayvon” Series to be Truthful? Don't Bet on it.
May 2, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In July, to mark the fifth anniversary of George Zimmerman’s trial for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, the Paramount network will air “Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story.”. . . [more]
Will An All-White Team Win "Minority" Golf Tourney?
April 25, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Last week, I was prowling around on the Internet trying to find the dates of the U.S. Open when I stumbled across an announcement for the upcoming “PGA Minority Collegiate Golf Championship.”
The very name caught my eye. Why would minority golfers need their own tournament, especially one sponsored by the PGA and likely endorsed by the NCAA?. . . [more]
How I Got Starbucked at a Hampton Inn
April 20 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
verb, past participle
To be asked to leave a commercial establishment because one is not paying for the services he or she is using.
Ten years ago, I got Starbucked at a Hampton Inn West Virginia. I found the experience sufficiently memorable at the time that I translated it into a Seussian poem titled, “How the Grinch Stole My Wi-Fi.”. . . [more]
PolitiFact, Where Do I Go to Get My ”True” Back?
April 18, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
After many years of writing columns, about 15 years just with WND, PolitiFact finally came calling.
Operated by the Tampa Bay Times in affiliation with other media nationwide, PolitiFact is perhaps best known for its assigned ratings which range from “True” to “Pants on Fire.”. . . [more]
Politically Motivated Prosecutions: Missouri to D.C.
April 11, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Residents of Missouri are watching up close a phenomenon that in many ways replicates the ones Americans are watching unfold in Washington. . . [more]
Will a Dem Prosecutor Save a GOP Governor?
April 4, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Missouri Republican Gov. Eric Greitens, a former Democrat and political newcomer, was looking at what seemed the sure end of his career until a St. Louis prosecutor stepped in and unwittingly threw him a lifeline. . . [more]
As the Knowledge Gap Grows, So Does the Civility Gap
April 4, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
At the end of his excellent—and lengthy—article in the National Review, “The Real Collusion Story,” Michael Doran describes the dilemma that now faces Hillary Clinton supporters in high places.
If they are to honor the emerging facts of the Russian collusion story, writes Doran, these supporters will have to abandon “satisfying self-images” and embrace “painful self-truths.”. . . [more]
Just Who's Behind the "Terrorist" Right?
March 28, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In 2015, Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security released an intelligence assessment on alleged right wing terrorism. . . [more]
If Stormy Daniels, Why Not Larry Sinclair?
March 21, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“Earlier today,” Larry Sinclair posted Tuesday of this week on his Facebook page, “I received an email from one of DCs leading News Organizations White House reporter asking my take on the Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal consensual sex allegations against Trump.”. . . [more]
Who Is The Austin Bomber? Here are Six Possibilities.
March 14, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Three bombs, two of them lethal, all of them sophisticated, have shocked the citizens of Austin, Texas, over the last ten days.
There is a good deal of speculation as to who the bomber or bombers might be. . . [more]
Dems Once Thought It Cool to Call Out Journalists, Even Threaten Them
March 13, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The media, the Democrats and a few NeverTrumpers are in a tizzy these past few days because President Trump dared to call NBC’s Chuck 5qrs [sic] of our so-called ‘free press.’”
Whether Trump's comments are beneath the office is surely in the eyes of the beholder, but they are not at all unprecedented. . . [more]
Which Tweet Would Best "Trigger a Liberal"?
March 7, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On Twitter a few days ago, a hash tag was trending that invited viewers to #TriggerALiberalIn4Words.
With a few minutes to kill, I spun out a bunch of tweets, 19 if I count right. Some would be incomprehensible to the average lib, pure inside right wing baseball. Others were historical. . . [more]
Orwell Rules at N.Y. University
February 28, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Although this incident happened at the State University of New York at Fredonia in the conservative western reaches of that state, it could have happened at almost any university in America. . . [more]
Incompetence Wasn’t the Problem in Broward County
February 26, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
No one who follows the blogging collective known as the “Conservative Treehouse” will dispute my claim that its most prominent blogger, “Sundance” by name, is America’s best reporter. . . [more]
Cruz, Trayvon and Their Telltale Backpacks
February 21, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Trayvon Martin and Nikola Cruz each carried a telltale backpack, but in neither case was that backpack allowed to tell its tale. . . [more]
Did the Progressive “Broward County Solution” Cost 17 Student Lives?
February 20, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“We’re not compromising school safety. We’re really saving the lives of kids,” boasted Michaelle Valbrun-Pope, executive director of Student Support Initiatives for Broward County Public Schools, in August 2017. . . [more]
Mexican Nationals Meddled and Colluded in the 2016 Election
February 18, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Special Counsel Robert Mueller laid out the law clearly in his indictment of numerous Russian nationals and groups for their attempts to interfere in the 2016 election. As the indictment notes. . . [more]
CNN, Walter Duranty is Not a Good Role Model
February 14, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
More than a few people in the media this week compared CNN’s fawning Olympic coverage of Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean despot Kim Jong Un, to the work of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Timesman Walter Duranty. These comparisons were not meant as a compliment. . . [more]
The Fusion GPS-Baby Body Parts Connection
February 7, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
With the release of the Nunes memo and the subsequent release of the Senate Judiciary Committee memo from Chick Grassley and Lindsey Graham, Fusion GPS is something of an open book. . . [more]
Jamie Gorelick Knew What Team She Was On
February 3, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
One of the faux scandals to have emerged in this crazy past week was the revelation that in December President Trump allegedly asked his deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, “Are you on my team?”. . . [more]
#MeToo Dems Feature a Kennedy: Oh, the Irony.
(Dems, Sorry, the Kennedy Ship Has Sailed.)
January 31, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
There is no family more ill-equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of the #MeToo era than the dynasty formerly known as the “Kennedys.”. . . [more]
Clinton's Strobe Talbott Linked to 2nd Russia Dossier?
January 30, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The plot thickens. Does it ever.
The Guardian UK has broken the story, one echoed breathlessly by others in the major media, that the FBI is assessing still another Trump-Russia dossier, this one authored by an international man of mystery named Cody Shearer. . . [more]
Doug Adler’s Year of ESPN Hell
January 24, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
It was a year ago this week, during the 2017 Australian Open, that Doug Adler’s world turned upside down. On Tuesday of that week, Adler drove from his San Fernando Valley home to a Direct TV production facility in Marina del Rey. This was Adler’s third day commenting on the Australian Open tennis championship. Viewers were led to believe. . . [more]
Did Christopher Steele Write His Dossier or Did a Russian Associate?
January 19, 2018 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Among the very few givens in the unfolding drama of alleged Russia-Trump collusion is that former MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele wrote the Donald Trump-Russia dossier alternately known as the “Steele Dossier.”. . . [more]
Trump and the Art of the Insult
January 17, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Joel Gilbert’s new film, “Trump: The Art of the Insult,” is on one level a hilarious trip down memory lane, especially for early Trump backers.
With minimal commentary, Gilbert shows Trump being Trump as he slices and dices his way through the Republican primaries and . . . [more]
“The way they lied,” says the Ben Bradlee character in Steven Spielberg’s preposterous new film, The Post. “Those days have to be over. We have to be the check on their power. If we don’t hold them accountable — my god, who will?”
This is the same Ben Bradlee, by the way, who retrieved the diary of his sister-in-law, Mary Pinchot Meyer, after she was murdered and burned the pages having to do her affair with Bradlee’s pal, President John Kennedy. . . [more]
O’Keefe Shows Twitter as Proudly Big Brother
January 10, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Following the election of 2016, Twitter cofounder Evan Williams lamented that the forum he had helped create was instrumental in electing Donald Trump president.
“It’s a very bad thing, “ said Williams, “Twitter’s role in that.” Williams wondered whether it had been a mistake to launch Twitter given the results. . . [more]
“Russian Collusion”? Dems First Used It Under Clinton
January 3, 2018 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In 2006, Philadelphia-area congressman Rep. Curt Weldon, a Republican, was running for re-election in a race that unexpectedly drew national attention.
Only with recent developments in the Trump Russia inquiry does the nature of the deep state assault on Weldon come into full view. . . [more]
The Day Politico Became A Conspiracy Rag
December 27, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In its own poll, only 7 percent of more than 3500 followers rated the political journal “Politico” right of center. In that same poll, 68 percent of respondents rated Politico left of center, and nearly 20 percent rated it “extreme left.” . . . [more]
Suicide Hill: The Last Libertarian Refuge for Kids
December 20, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Our helmeted, hovered-over, overstuffed, seat-belted children have few opportunities to enjoy their childhoods. Many, in fact, have chosen to sit it out. Last year, for instance, I ventured east for a family reunion, storm warnings be damned. . . [more]
Roy Moore Never Got His
Clarence Thomas Moment
December 13, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In October 1991, no one believed Clarence Thomas any more than they believe Roy Moore today.
Like Thomas, Moore was hit with a last minute charge of sexual impropriety that was nothing short of a political assassination. . . [more]
No One Ever Drowned in Roy Moore’s Car
December 11, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In 1990, when liberal journalists still had some sense of obligation to the truth, Michael Kelly wrote the following for GQ:
As [Carla] Gaviglio enters the room, the six-foot-two, 225-plus-pound [Sen. Ted] Kennedy grabs the five-foot-three, 103-pound waitress and throws her on the table. She lands on her back, scattering crystal, plates and cutlery and the lit candles. . . [more]
Why Chandra Levy Is Trending Again
December 6, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
When I saw the name “Chandra Levy” trending on Twitter Wednesday, I thought for a moment the media might have talked about how and why the young intern died.
Silly me . . . [more]
How Matt Lauer Helped Save Bill Clinton
November 30, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The surprise firing of NBC’s Matt Lauer for sexual harassment shines a new light on Lauer’s role in helping then president Bill Clinton save himself from getting kicked out of office. . . . [more]
Not All Stings Work: On the War James O'Keefe Is Winning
November 30, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In his compelling new book, Blue on Blue, Charles Campisi, chief of NYPD's Internal Affairs Bureau, tells how he was able to dramatically reform the bureau and to improve the quality of NYPD policing.
Campisi instituted what he called "integrity tests." These were more commonly known in the NYPD as "stings.". . . [more]
Horn Dog Charlie Rose’s Deeper Hypocrisy
November 22, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Among the many things we have to be thankful about this Thanksgiving is never having to watch another live broadcast featuring Charlie Rose. As all the world now knows, feminist champion Rose, formerly of PBS and CBS, is something of a horn dog. . . [more]
Don’t Put Clarence Thomas in with the Bad Boys.
November 20, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein revelations, Anita Hill’s star is shining brighter that it has since the riveting Hill-Thomas hearings in 1991. “Hill gave voice to the silent indignities endured by women,” wrote Jonathan Capehart recently in the Washington Post, one of many pundits who made such claims without any substantiation whatsoever. In fact, the actual evidence strongly suggests that if Hill ever suffered indignities, Clarence Thomas did not inflict them.”. . . [more]
Huge Campus Rally Staged Over Fake Hate
November 15, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
At 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, thousands of students, faculty and staff at the normally sane Kansas State University walked out of their classrooms and dorm rooms and offices to “rally against racism.” . . . [more]
Media Rush to Judgment on 3 Fake "Hate Crimes"
November 8, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On three separate occasions in greater Kansas City, in just the month of October, the media raced to see who could scream “hate” quickest and loudest.
On three separate occasions in greater Kansas City, in just the month of October, these same media quietly walked back their bone-chilling stories of hate. . . [more]
Nothing New About Leftist Race-Baiting
November 1, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
One of the surprising bright lights in the Hollywood firmament is the cable-TV station Turner Classic Movies. For 24 hours a day, TCM shows classic movies without edits and without apologies: Gone with the Wind, Blazing Saddles, you name it. . . [more]
Clintons Have Long, Dirty History with Russia
October 25, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In 1993, Bill and Hillary Clinton selected Ron Brown to be their Secretary of Commerce not in spite of his history of corruption but because of it. . . [more]
Trump's Latest Accuser Has History of Lying
October 18, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Miami congresswoman Frederica Wilson angled for another fifteen minutes of fame this week, claiming that in his consoling call to a Gold Star widow Trump insulted the woman and trivialized her husband’s death. . . [more]
No documents in Obama Library? No mystery there.
October 13, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The Fox News headline sums up the issue at hand: “No Obama documents in Obama library? Historians puzzled by Chicago center plans.”. . . [more]
Weinstein Was Easy,
Hollywood Pedophiles Won’t Be
October 11, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
It only took the media about 13 years to bust Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein for his sexual depredations once reporters had the story in hand.
But that story will prove to be relatively easy on the media. There is another, trickier Hollywood story that the nation’s newsrooms have been sitting on longer than Weinstein was stalking young women. . . [more]
Harvey Weinstein and the Slow Motion Theft of American Culture
October 9, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
"I cannot be more remorseful about the people I hurt and I plan to do right by all of them,” wrote movie mogul Harvey Weinstein upon being busted for all manner of sexual predations, before adding this only-in-Hollywood non-sequitur, “I am going to need a place to channel that anger so I've decided that I'm going to give the NRA my full attention.". . . [more]
The “Ferguson Effect” is Killing 59 People. . . a Week
October 4, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
According to recently released FBI statistics, there were 17,250 murders in the U.S. in 2016. That is 3,086 more than in 2014. . . [more]
How Barack Obama Killed the NFL
September 27, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Lost in the chatter about NFL protests, especially after President Trump weighed in, is one inarguable fact: the protests began in the eighth year of the Obama presidency. . . [more]
Are The Dems Planning to dump Sen. McCaskill?
September 20, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill

On Sunday of this week, the Kansas City Star ran a lengthy article on Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, the only Democrat holding statewide office in a state Trump carried by 19 points.
The length of the article is not surprising. The Star has been protecting McCaskill since she successfully ran for the U.S. Senate in 2006. What is surprising is the content, especially given that McCaskill is up for reelection in 2018.
The article is a flat-out hit piece.
Court "Licenses" Illegals to Commit Identity Theft
September 13, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Strange as it may seem, the Kansas Supreme Court has recently decreed that it is all but impossible for state or local authorities to arrest or prosecute an illegal alien for identity theft.
This is not “fake news.”. . . [more]
The Hate Crime That Dares Not Speak Its Name
August 30, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
For more than a year a person or persons was terrorizing the suburban neighborhoods of South Kansas City.
The five victims were all older men, ages 54 to 67. All were shot from behind. Several were walking their dogs. Four of the five were on or near a popular walking trail that runs along a creek. . . [more]
Want a Pass from the Media? Call Yourself “Mohammed”
August 28,, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Some crime stories the media relish. Others they resist covering. In February of this year, a drunken peckerwood named Adam Purinton shot and killed an Indian engineer in suburban Kansas City thinking the man was an Iranian. The media nationwide ran with this story and shamelessly tied the shooting to the rise of Donald Trump. The Kansas City Star posted more than 50 articles on this one crime alone.
Three years earlier, the Star widely covered the story of a highway shooter who terrorized the metro for more than a month, hitting at least a dozen cars and wounding several people. Then the police arrested the shooter. The fact that he was black dimmed the enthusiasm in local newsrooms. The fact that his first name was “Mohammed” killed it. . . [more]
Time to Rename California’s Cities
August 23, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
It appears that the Red Guard of America’s ongoing Cultural Revolution have no more use for Spanish saints than they do for Confederate War heroes. . . [more]
Understanding Charlottesville: Antifa and Agitprop
(“Sometimes the Crazies Bite”)
August 16, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
To understand the events in Charlottesville, it helps to know how the left operates. During the 2016 campaign veteran Democratic operative Scott Foval unwittingly shared the left’s playbook with anyone who cared to see.
Foval explained his strategy to an undercover journalist with James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. He boasted specifically about the art of provoking violence at Trump rallies, all of which was recorded on camera. . . [more]
How George W. Created “Climate Change” Term
August 9, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On this past Saturday, the high temperature in Kansas City was 67 degrees, 23 degrees below the early August norm.
While out for a walk the next morning, still pleasantly cool and crisp, I encountered a young neighbor. “How do you like this weather?” I asked without an agenda beyond neighborliness. . . [more]
Snowflakes Melt When Dean Busted for Child Porn
August 2, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Washington University in St. Louis is a school with pretentions of greatness. In the 2017 edition of Best Colleges Wash U ranked 19th in the nation. StartClass ranks it 24th.
Administrators charge tuition as though the university ranked even higher. In 2017, tuition and fees alone ran to a cool $49,000 and change.
Given the value parents place on each of the school’s students, administrators go out of their way to protect the little darlings when something bad happens on campus. . . [more]
Why the Left Is in a Frenzy Over Transgender Ban
July 26, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
As recently as three years ago, no Democratic politician in America would have insisted that the U.S. military ought to allow transgendered people to serve in the military, but today they are hysterically defending their right to do just that. . . [more]
How Hootie Johnson Paved the Way for Donald Trump
July 19, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Hootie Johnson, best known for his tenure as chairman of Augusta National Golf Club, was buried this week in Columbia, South Carolina. Upon Johnson’s death, the media failed to acknowledge the role Johnson played in American history. . . [more]
How We All Became “Conspiracy Theorists”
July 5, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I never intended to become a “conspiracy theorist.” In the fall of 2000, when I first dipped my toe into the murky headwaters of the TWA 800 intrigue, I thought myself something of a skeptic, the Socratic nitpicker who rained on the paranoid parades of others.. . . [more]
In Search of Nelson DeMille’s TWA 800 Video
July 12, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Nelson DeMille’s bestselling novel, Nightfall, opens on July 17, 1996, with a steamy encounter on a Long Island beach. The man and woman involved decide to videotape their coupling. In the process, they inadvertently capture the destruction of TWA Flight 800. The novel centers around that video. . .[more]
Another Cop Slain, Another Notch on CNN’s Belt
July 5, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
To celebrate the 4th of July Alexander Bonds coolly walked up to NYPD Officer Miosotis Familia’s police vehicle and shot her dead. . . [more]
Just How Many Illegals Did Vote in 2016?
June 28, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Once upon a time—and it was not that long ago--the media prided themselves on exposing voter fraud. This all changed in the early part of the 21st century.
In one of the great unreported opinion shifts, progressives throughout the political and media establishments decided almost as one that illegal immigration was no longer a problem and thus neither was voter fraud. . . [more]
Progressives No Longer Burn Books;
They “Recycle” Them
June 22, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Mike Szydlowski, science coordinator for the Columbia, Missouri, Public Schools district, knew exactly what to do with a copy of an unwanted book he received in the mail. According to the Columbia Missourian, he “promptly recycled it.”
Szydlowski had no hesitation sharing this information with the local newspaper for the reason that Columbia is a university town. He could safely presume that most people in town, certainly all of its thinking people, thought the way he did. . . [more]
Media Wildly Spin Handel Win
June 21, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In their desperate effort to seek silver linings in Republican Karen Handel’s victory over Jon Ossoff in the special election Tuesday for a Georgia House seat, the media are quiet about one basic fact. . . [more]
New Biography Right About Obama’s “Rage”
June 14, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In his massive new biography about Barack Obama’s pre-presidential years, “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama,” Pulitzer Prize-winner David Garrow does get something right.
This has to do with Obama’s “rage.” What Garrow does not get right is the source of the rage that Obama tried to sell black Chicago. . . [more]
“I face this challenge with profound humility,” Obama told the gathered faithful in St. Paul on June 3, 2008, the night he secured the Democratic nomination for president.
And then, in arguably the least humble speech ever made by a successful presidential aspirant, he told his flock that “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” The sheep believed him. . . [more]
White Guys Don’t Make For Useful Victims
May 31, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In January of this year I helped launch a regional online news service, The Sentinel, in league with the Kansas Policy Institute. Our slogan--and our mission—is, “Holding media and government accountable.”
My thinking in taking on this assignment was that there are any number of national sites that perform a watchdog service, but very few on a local level. . . . [more]
Media Don’t Want to Know About Seth Rich
May 17, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Those who do not understand the major media might think that the murder of Seth Rich would be catnip for every aspiring Woodward or Bernstein in Washington.
The story is irresistible, right out of “House of Cards.” Rich, the 27-year-old director of voter expansion data for the DNC, was killed about 4:00 a.m. on July 10, 2016, 30 minutes or so after leaving a D.C. bar. . . [more]
So When Exactly Did Bill Ayers
and Barack Obama Meet?
May 18, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In his massive new biography about Barack Obama’s pre-presidential years, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, Pulitzer Prize-winner David Garrow makes hash out of the lie that preserved Obama’s candidacy in 2008. That said, he pulls back from the implications of his own revelations to protect what remains of Obama’s literary reputation. . . [more]
What New Obama bio fails to Reveal
May 17, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Pulitzer Prize-winner David Garrow has written the ultimate “bubble book.”
Garrow’s massive new biography about Barack Obama’s pre-presidential years, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, pulls its information almost exclusively from within the liberal bubble. Information generated from outside the bubble is pure irritant. . . [more]
New Bio Scrambles to Protect Obama's Literary Rep
May 15, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
"I've written two books," candidate Barack Obama told a crowd of teachers in Virginia in July of 2008. The crowd applauded. "I actually wrote them myself."
In his massive new biography about Obama’s pre-presidential years, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, Pulitzer Prize-winner David Garrow chose to cut this literary baby in half. . . [more]
New BHO bio confirms: No Obama family
May 11, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
From his first emergence on the national scene in 2004 Barack Obama and his operatives would invest enormous political capital in what biographer David Remnick called his “signature appeal: the use of the details of his own life as a reflection of a kind of multicultural ideal.”. . . [more]
New Obama Bio Is Not Just Exhausting,
It’s Insulting
May 10, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“Dreams from My Father was not a memoir or an autobiography;” writes Pulitzer Prize-winner David Garrow, “it was instead, in multitudinous ways, without any question a work of historical fiction.”
Garrow makes this claim, italics included, in his massive new biography about Obama’s pre-presidential years, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. For myself and other citizens journalists who have followed Obama, this is hardly a revelation. . . [more]
Who was interviewed for latest Obama biography?
May 04, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In July 2008, on the cyber pages of WND, I first raised the issue of the authorship of Barack Obama’s acclaimed 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father.”
In September 2008, again at WND, I traced the muse behind “Dreams” to the notoriously unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers.
If other conservative media had the courage that WND has shown over its twenty-year history, they would have followed up on my story, and Barack Obama would not have been elected president. But they did not, and he, alas, was. . . [more]
Climate Science: Dishonest for Decades
April 26, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Former Obama Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin made news on Monday when he told the Wall Street Journal that the administration spun climate data to shape public opinion. . . [more]
Remembering Earth Day Founding Father - and Girlfriend Composter: Ira Einhorn
April 23, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
With Earth Day come and gone, I could find no evidence of public recognition for one of its founding fathers, the only slightly atypical Ira Einhorn, the soi-disant “Unicorn.”
In the way of background, the first formal Earth Day did not take place on the vernal equinox as originator John McConnell had hoped. Rather, it took place on April 22, 1970, a Wednesday. How this seemingly arbitrary date was picked has been lost to history. No one has taken public credit for choosing it. Still, one does not have to be a conspiracy theorist to suspect that the choice of date might have had something to do with the fact that April 22, 1970, was Vladimir Lenin’s one-hundredth birthday. . . [more]
A Stunning School Sex Scandal the Media Refuse to Notice
April 21, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
On April 15, Jackson County, Missouri, prosecutors charged James R. Green Jr., 52, with six counts of second-degree statutory sodomy. Green was a teacher and coach at a middle school in the suburban North Kansas City School District. Green’s victim was a sixteen-year-old boy. It appears likely that Green was abusing other boys over a period of at least twelve years in at least two different school districts, and Green’s crime is not the half of it. . . [more]
Did NY Times Apologize to Trump for
"Anti-Semitic" Smear?
April 19, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The New York Times kicked off the smear campaign against President Donald Trump just four weeks into his presidency. . . [more]
Obama In the Tropics - Can the Ghost Be Far Behind?
April 5, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
After jetting to the Caribbean, Palm Springs, and Hawaii on separate trips—What global warming?—former president Barack Obama has stolen off to Tetiaroa, a South Pacific island once owned by Marlon Brando.
There, in the kind of splendor most one-percenters can only dream about, the Washington Post tells us that he “plans an extended stay there to start writing his White House memoir.”. . . [more]
Politico Absolves Gorelick for Instituting the Wall
April 3, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In something of a puff piece, Politico’s Annie Karni largely exonerates Democratic attorney Jamie Gorelick of the seemingly unpardonable sin of representing Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner as they work their way through federal conflict of interest laws. Karni thinks she gets it, “Gorelick sees herself as part of a time-honored Washington tradition of well-respected lawyers representing clients from the opposite party,”. . . . The first twenty paragraphs in the Politico piece deal with the “vitriol” from Democrats who are shocked at Gorelick for consorting with the Trumps. . . [more]
Jay Z to Immortalize Trayvon Fiction on Film
March 29, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The New York Times reports without a hint of skepticism that “rap star Jay Z and the Weinstein Company will team up to produce a series of television and film projects about the life of Trayvon Martin.”
The Times dutifully describes Martin as “the unarmed black teenager who was shot dead in 2012 near his home by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman.”
As if to underscore the fraud about to be perpetuated. . . [more]
Media Bury Rapists' Illegal-alien Status
March 22, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On Tuesday of this week, the Kansas City Star ran an AP article headlined, ”High school rape gets drawn into immigration debate.”
Two students at a Maryland high school, one of them an 18-year old illegally in the country from Guatemala, are accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in a school bathroom. . . [more]
Mainstream Catching On to Obama Book Scam
March 08, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
An article appeared last week in CounterPunch, a respected left-leaning journal, that dared to point out the obvious about Barack Obama’s literary talents. . . [more]
When Lying About Secret Meetings Was OK
February 01, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
If you do not remember when American officials met secretly with an enemy—in this case, Iran--and lied about the meetings, you’re in good company. . . [more]
Sorry, Libs, Orwell Was Talking About You
February 01, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Okay, here are some books on the top of Amazon’s bestseller list as of earlier this week.
Number One is “1984” by George Orwell. . . [more]
The Question the Times Should Have Asked ‘Writer’ Barack Obama
January 25, 2017 | Spectator.org | by Jack Cashill
On Friday, January 13, Michiko Kakutani, the chief book critic for the New York Times, interviewed “writer” Barack Obama at the White House.
After reading the transcript I have to wonder whether the Times, wittingly or otherwise, is enabling a publishing scandal much more significant than the one that forced Monica Crowley to decline an appointment in the Trump White House. . . [more]
Reinstate Lt. Col. Terry Lakin!
January 25, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
A petition was launched the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration to “reinstate Lt. Col. Terry Lakin into the U.S. Army with full rank, pay, benefits and pension immediately.”. . . [more]
NASA Saves Left From “Bad” Drought News
January 18, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On Wednesday, in the nick of time, NASA joined the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in declaring 2016 the hottest year on record. . . [more]
Time for Another Look at Buzzfeed Ben Smith’s
Biggest Fail
January 13, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Buzzfeed editor Ben Smith has had a rough week. As the man who decided to publish the “secret dossier” about Donald Trump’s alleged hijinks in Moscow he has suffered the ultimate indignity of having even MSNBC call him out for publishing fake news . . . [more]
How the CIA intervened in an American Election
January 11, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Last month the New York Times reported breathlessly that, according to the CIA, Russia intervened in the 2016 presidential election “with the primary aim of helping make Donald J. Trump president.”
What the Times did not say is that the CIA intervened in the 1996 election to help Bill Clinton get re-elected president and that the Times itself facilitated this intervention. . . [more]
Jared Kushner, Beware of Jamie Gorelick
January 11, 2017 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
More than a few of my Washington allies noticed a seemingly unremarkable bit of news in a Monday Washington Post article that they thought I ought to see. The article concerned Jared Kushner’s appointment as adviser to his father-in-law Donald Trump.
The appointment did not trouble my friends. What troubled them was the Post’s casual mention that Kushner’s attorney was none other than Jamie Gorelick, deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton. Observed the Post, Gorelick “is confident that the anti-nepotism statute does not cover Trump's appointment of Kushner.” . . . [more]
President Obama, Keep This Killer in the Slammer
January 04, 2017 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
As Barack Obama’s days in the White House mercifully come to a close, the pressure on Obama builds to free Leonard Peltier from prison. . . . [more]
Willie Horton: A Fake News Story That Refuses to Die
December 28, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In an otherwise observant Politico article, “The Death of Clintonism,” Todd Purdum unwittingly reminded conservative readers why they distrust the major media.
For the article, Purdum interviewed Elaine Kamarck, a senior domestic policy adviser under Bill Clinton whose White House Purdum covered as a reporter. Having been around long enough to remember George W. H. Bush’s 1988 campaign against Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis, Purdum and Kamarck have no excuse for misrepresenting the campaign’s most decisive ad. . . [more]
12 Words That Undid the Dems in 2016
December 28, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In 2016, for the first time in the broadcast era, leftists lost control of the semantic battlefield. If they recognized this fact, they recognized it too late. Thanks largely to social media, their Orwellian efforts to redefine, re-purpose or evade ordinary word usage made them look foolish and ultimately left them vulnerable to defeat. Twelve damning words. . . [more]
The Fake News That Spawned Black Lives Matter
December 21, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
If there were ever a useful case study for the effect of fake news on real events it was the media-spawned birth of the Black Lives Matter movement. . . [more]
16 Fake News Stories over Last 20 Years
December 14, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Let us start with an understanding: “fake news” occurs when the government or a favored group introduces false information, and the media ignore all contrary evidence to advance their shared agenda. . . [more]
President Obama Should Free Officer Slager
December 8, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
As a kid, when I got up in the morning, there was no more welcome a sight than a box of donuts on the kitchen table. Of course, I liked to eat donuts, but that was not the reason I welcomed their arrival. No, what the donuts told me was that while I was sleeping my father had arrived home safely.
My father was a police officer in Newark New Jersey, a city in which bad things routinely happen to good cops. . . [more]
In the bitter weeks following the November election, leftists have been asking out loud how things could have gone so wrong. The simple answer is that from the very beginning of the Obama presidency they deceived themselves about their man and their mission. . . . [more]
The media have found a creative new way to explain away Hillary’s Clinton’s crushing defeat and their own humiliation. They have dubbed the agent of their mutual undoing “fake news” and talk about the phenomenon as though it made real sense. . . [more]
_ing America Sane Again
November 30, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In the three-plus weeks since the election I have had some twenty or thirty conversations with other Trump voters, some in person, some by phone, all of them out of earshot of our sensitive Democratic friends.
Although my evidence is entirely anecdotal, my sample has been diverse enough for me to feel confident in rejecting the consensus of the chattering classes on the reasons behind Donald Trump’s surprise victory. . . [more]
As quickly became clear in last week’s skittish interview with Donald Trump, the top dogs at the New York Times worry more about rising sea levels than they do about shrinking circulation.
The Times hysteric-in-chief, Thomas Friedman, sounded the alarm. With his first question, he referred to an article he had written days prior warning Trump that indifference to climate change could turn his “oceanside [golf] courses into ocean-floor courses.” Joking, Trump suggested a rise in sea levels just might increase the value of his Doral golf course given that it is about ten miles inland. . . [more]
Thank You, Lord, for the Reprieve!
November 24, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Whether we deserve it or not, we have been granted a stay of execution. Barack Obama had promised to fundamentally transform America. If Hillary Clinton had won the election, the deed would have been all but done.. . . [more]
University Snow Globes Are All Shook Up
November 16, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“One student suggested to me early this morning that we build a wall around Fredonia,” so wrote Ginny Horvath, the president of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Fredonia in the wee small hours after last week’s election. . . [more]
For My Liberal Friends, On Trump's Victory
November 9, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I use the word “friends” here sincerely. I have any number of friends and family members who voted for Hillary Clinton and have been all over Facebook the last day or two confessing how literally sick they are--to their stomachs even--that a person like Donald Trump could win.
I have been trying to warn them. . . [more]
The Clinton-directed FBI Hit Job
November 2, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
When FBI Director James Comey re-opened the investigation into her emails last week, Hillary Clinton called the action "unprecedented.” As Hillary knows, it is not, not at all.. . . [more]
29 of Hillary’s Scandals: The Early Years
October 26, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
For those who are too young or too unwilling to remember, a trip down memory lane:
1969—Debut: Hillary speaks at Wellesley graduation, insults Edward Brooke, Senate’s lone black member. . . [more]
How “Convicted Criminal” James O’Keefe Came to Be “Discredited”
October 26, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Investigative reporter James O’Keefe is admittedly a repeat offender. Over and over again he has committed old-fashioned, gumshoe journalism. Worse, he has gone after targets grown fat, soft and corrupt from years of media protection. In the process, O’Keefe has embarrassed the mainstream media and enraged their political allies. Now the whole lot of them wants his head. . . [more]
Proof: Thousands of GOP Votes Likely Stolen in PA
October 24, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Retired Pittsburg-area manufacturer Bill Been stumbled into what may prove to be the most significant presidential vote fraud scandal since, at least, 1960. . . [more]
Think You Know How Bad the Clintons Are?
October 24, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“The White House is like a subway. You have to put in coins to open the gates.”
Such were the immortal words of one Johnny Chung, who admitted to a Senate committee in 1997 that he funneled $100,000 from the Chinese Military to the Democratic National Committee. In the Clinton White House, it was pay to play all the way. That either Bill or Hillary had a political life after their treasonous run on Asian piggy banks is a testament to the ever-escalating corruption of the American media. . . [more]
Hillary's Big Fat Lie on Late-term Abortion
October 20, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Having reviewed the records of the late and unlamented George Tiller, I can assure readers that Hillary Clinton absolutely misrepresented the reality of late-term abortion.
In fact, roughly 95 percent of the late-term abortions performed by Tiller, then America's most prolific abortionist, were done for the convenience of the mother and/or the statutory rapist who impregnated her.
Why are we worrying about toddlers with guns when unborn infants are being killed in the millions by doctors with syringes? I wrote the following in 2011. . . [more]
Former Assistant FBI Director Jim Kallstrom is one angry man. Hillary Clinton appalls him, and he is not afraid to say so. On the John Gibson Radio Show, freed from the restraints he works under on Fox TV, Kallstrom let loose on Hillary's clear, clear obstruction of justice in the email case and FBI's Director James Comey apparent whitewash of the same. . . [more]
This Saturday at 8:45 p.m. and Sunday at 10 p.m., on C-SPAN’s Book-TV, a national TV audience will get to see, unedited, my take on the fate of TWA Flight 800. . . [more]
Airing Details:
- Oct 15, 2016 | 8:45pm EDT | Saturday C-SPAN 2
- Oct 16, 2016 | 10:00pm EDT | Sunday C-SPAN 2
- Oct 22, 2016 | 10:15am EDT | Saturday C-SPAN 2
For more C-SPAN info: https://www.c-span.org/video/? 414407-2/twa-800
Nothing Supresses the Rupublican Vote Like Grovelling
October 12, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I wrote the following column for the June 10, 2015, issue of WND. Donald Trump declared for president a week later. I did not know he was running at the time I wrote this. Those who followed this course in the primaries won or placed.. . . [more]
The Man Who Taught Hillary How to Shred
Haunts Wikileaks Dump
October 12, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
"Before I begin," Hillary Clinton told an audience at the Brookings Institute in December 2015, "I want to acknowledge the loss of a beloved member of our foreign policy family, Sandy Berger."
In fact, Berger appears repeatedly in the Wikileaks dump of emails from and to John Podesta. . . [more]
Tim Kaine’s Devilishly Convenient Catholicism
October 5, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“On fundamental issues of morality, we should let women make their own decisions,” said Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine, referring to abortion and pandering to the presumed single-mindedness of his female audience. On the face of it, this is an absurd statement. . . [more]
In a halfway honest front-page article Thursday, the Washington Post posed the following question in the headline, “Enabler or family defender? How Hillary Clinton responded to husband’s accusers.” I say “halfway” because reporter Shawn Boburg knew the answer to his question. . . [more]
Lester Holt Doesn’t Know Jack About Obama
September 28, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“Mr. Trump, for five years, you perpetuated a false claim that the nation’s first black president was not a natural-born citizen,” editorialized debate moderator Lester Holt in the form of a question. . . [more]
Uh, Hillary, Your Hubby Caused the 2008 Recession
September 28, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
On the debate stage Monday night, Hillary Clinton smugly repeated the big lie that Democrats have been telling with something close to impunity since 2008.
“We had the worst financial crisis, the Great Recession, the worst since the 1930s,” said Hillary. “That was in large part because of tax policies that slashed taxes on the wealthy, failed to invest in the middle class, took their eyes off of Wall Street, and created a perfect storm.”
In fact, tax policies had almost nothing to do with the recession of 2008. . . [more]
The Lie That Launched Black Lives Matter
September 23, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The Black Lives Matter movement began as a hashtag in July 2013 immediately after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Although the movement would be reinforced along the way by any number of lies—“Hands up don’t shoot” comes quickly to mind—not enough attention has been paid to the original lie, one that may eventually launch a thousand riots before it burns itself out, namely that Trayvon Martin was an innocent little boy. . . [more]
Trump Was Right on Ayers-Obama Book
September 21, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
"Birtherism wasn’t the only conspiracy he pushed,” reads the subhead of a Huffington Post article this week by senior politics editor, Sam Stein.
The “he,” of course, refers to Donald Trump. The “conspiracy” that Stein rediscovered was Trump’s claim in 2011 that retired terrorist Bill Ayers helped Barack Obama write his esteemed 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father.”. . . [more]
Media Meltdown as Hillary “Overheats”
September 15, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
This past weekend we learned what a conspiracy theory is, namely a set of facts that has yet to drop kick the media in the teeth.
To think of this fact-set as a “conspiracy theory,” the media must first know that some group, almost always from the ranks of the “deplorable,” believe it to be true. . . [more]
Hillary's Health is a Media Scandal
September 13, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The Politico article on Hillary’s health scare begins with the line, "Hillary Clinton’s health – long the obsession of conspiracy theorists – emerged Sunday as a legitimate campaign issue."
A Washington Post column by Chris Cillizza struck a similar note. Writes Cillizza, talk of Hillary's illness "was largely confined to Republicans convinced that Clinton has long been hiding some sort of serious illness. I wrote dismissively of that conspiracy theory in this space last week."
As this incident makes painfully clear. . . [more]
Friday night, Hillary Clinton said out loud what our progressive friends have long been thinking. It may cost her the election.. . . [more]
Michelle Obama’s $10 Million Payday
September 7, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Literary agents are lining up to add Michelle Obama to their client list. According to an article in the Sunday New York Times, book publishers are likely to shell out north of $10 million to publish her memoirs. . . [more]
NY Times Can't Stop Pushing the Myth of Obama's Literary Genius
September 6, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In a Sunday New York Times article, oddly insensitive to the would-be socialists who comprise the Times readership, reporter Gardiner Harris fantasized about how much money Barack and Michelle might pocket from their post-White House memoirs. . . [more]
We're All Conspiracy Theorists Now
August 31, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I must say I was disappointed by Hillary Clinton’s now notorious speech in Reno last week. Hillary savaged Donald Trump for endorsing “dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the internet.” Several of these theories she noted specifically, but none of them had I written about or investigated at any depth. Alas, Hillary slighted me, and I think I. . . [more]
TWA 800: My Improbable Lunch with the Chairman of the NTSB
August 29, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
If you had told me on the morning of July 7 that I would have lunch on July 8 with the chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, I would have likely countered with tales of flying pigs or Hamlet-writing monkeys. . . [more]
The Downing of TWA Flight 800: Is Fear Rewriting American History?
August 24, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
When historians look back to document the seemingly endless history of the Clintons on the national stage, I have begun to wonder what their source material will be. . . [more]
The Difference Between Pravda and the New York Times?
August 17, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The difference between Pravda and the New York Times is that Pravda readers knew they were being lied to. . . [more]
One "Conspiracy Theory" Trump Needs to Push
August 15, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Playing a coveted role in the most one-sided assault in the history of political journalism, NBC News ran an article last week that managed—in the headline--to insult both the candidate and his base, “Trump's Conspiracy Theories Aren't Far Outside GOP Mainstream.”. . . [more]
TWA 800 Article Inspires Rush of New Leads
August 9, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I checked my AOL account (jcashill@aol.com) Sunday morning to discover a rush of new, high-level leads, all of them generated by a single WND article and all of them supportive of the thesis that missiles destroyed TWA Flight 800 off the Long Island Coast on July 17, 1996. . . [more]
Ex Government Hack Attacks New TWA 800 Book
August 10, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In checking the Amazon reviews of my new book, “TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy,” I came across a one-star review by Peter Goelz, managing director of the NTSB during the TWA 800 investigation. . . [more]
TWA 800: Calling Agent Bongardt,
Your Nation Needs You
August 3, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
It has been four weeks since my book, TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy, debuted. Despite a two-week media hiatus due to the conventions, I continue to receive one or two new leads a day, many from inside the investigation.
I would encourage those with information to share to contact me in confidence through my website, Cashill.com. As one new source told me, he never knew before where to turn. Another, a retired international captain, said I was the first person in the media to listen to him after years of trying to break through . . . [more]
New Info on TWA 800 Disaster
July 24, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Since the publication of my book,TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy, three weeks ago I have been receiving insights from people with new information on a daily basis. . . [more]
Only The People Can Break Open the TWA 800 Case
July 20, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“Is it still over, are we still through? Since my phone still ain't ringing I assume It still ain’t you,” sang Randy Travis in his country classic, a song I found myself humming this past weekend.
The “you” in question in my case is the major media and their timid acolytes in the respectable conservative media. This past weekend any number of media covered the twentieth anniversary of TWA Flight 800’s destruction. . . [more]
TWA 800: Here Is What We Now Know
July 13, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Twenty years ago this Sunday, TWA Flight 800, a 747 bound for Paris, exploded off the coast of Long Island, killing all 230 people on board.
In the last few years, researchers have unearthed an astonishing treasure trove of CIA documents, secured a confirmed video of a Long Island missile launch five days before TWA 800’s demise, and persuaded numerous witnesses and whistleblowers from inside the investigation to come forward. Here is what we now know. . . [more]
The Deep, Undeniable Heart of the TWA 800 Scandal
June 29, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In March 2004, the American people first learned about "the wall." The occasion was the eighth public hearing of the 9/11 Commission. Asked to account for the intelligence failures that led up 9/11, Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet blamed the “wall that was in place between the criminal side and the intelligence side.” . . . [more]
TWA 800: If You Saw Something, Say Something
June 22, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
This July marks the twentieth anniversary of the shoot down of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island. As such, it may well represent the last opportunity for those with inside information to come forward. . . [more]
TWA 800:
Who in Media Will Cover Plane's Shoot-down?
June 15, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Twenty years ago this July two or more surface-to-air missiles blew a 747—TWA Flight 800 by designation—out of the sky in full view of thousands of people on Long Island’s popular south shore. . . [more]
Will Media Ever Accept the Truth About TWA 800?
April 27, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In two months, in time for the twentieth anniversary of the destruction of TWA Flight 800 off the south shore of Long Island, my new book on the subject—TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy--will be released. . . . [more]
7 Reasons to Vote Republican in November
April 20, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
H-I-L-L-A-R-Y. In researching my various books, I have accumulated a damning bill of particulars against Hillary Clinton, the most seriously flawed candidate any major party will have nominated for president in the history of the Republic.
What follows are seven good reasons to vote for the Republican candidate in November, no matter how much you dislike the candidate and/or the party that nominated him. . . [more]
The Left’s Unholy Obsession with “Hate”
April 6, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I have been tracking the left’s obsession with hate for some time and have written about it in my newest book Scarlet Letters.
But just when I think our liberal friends cannot get more promiscuous with their accusations of “hate,” they reach into their demonic bag of tricks and surprise us. . . [more]
Embrace the Chaos, Excuse the Dust
April 11, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Today, the surest way to establish your respectability bona fides is to denounce this season's Republican primary process. Better still, if you have children, claim you will not even let them watch the debates. . . [more]
How A Masters Upset Preserved Hillary's Future
April 6, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
As is well enough known, the legendary Masters Golf Tournament kicks off today in Augusta, Georgia. What is less well known, much less, is that a stunning
reversal on the final day of the tournament twenty years ago helped preserve the Clinton presidency and Hillary’s future. . . [more]
An Up Close Look at the Liberal-Muslim Alliance
March 31, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
I have read about the paradoxical alliance between Islam and the left for years. I have even written about it—at some length, in fact, in my newest book Scarlet Letters. But it was only a few weeks go that I got to see up close the mechanisms that allow people who celebrate homosexuals to find common cause with those who, when the law allows, happily sever their heads. . . [more]
20 Years On, Time to Ask Hillary about Tuzla
March 30, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Twenty years ago this week, Hillary Clinton and teenage daughter Chelsea flew into the city of Tuzla in Bosnia.
In her memoir, Living History, Clinton writes breathlessly about the flight. She and Chelsea had to wear flak jackets and sit in a reinforced cockpit in case
of snipers or ground-to-air missiles. . . [more]
The Blatant Cultural Appropriation on St. Patrick’s Day Is Not Cool
March 18 , 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In another blatant example of cultural appropriation, thousands of years of rich history and heritage are reduced to a party theme for drunken people's amusement and consumption. . . [more]
An Encouraging Look at Missouri’s Primary Numbers
March 17 , 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In the twentieth century, no state better predicted the outcome of a presidential election than Missouri. Only once—oddly enough in 1956—did Missouri voters not vote for the man who would be elected president. Although the state has been drifting right in recent years, it still has a Democratic senator and governor. . . 
Da Noive! President Barack Obama has chosen to nominate United States Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.
We are told he is a “moderate,” but we know how that works. The other “moderates” on the Court somehow manage to march their way in lockstep to the officially designated liberal position on every single major case. Can anyone name an exception?. . .
Rush, Andrew, Donald, and the Republican Reconquista
March 15 , 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“Most of my friends were graduating that year,” writes Barack Obama in Dreams from My Father. “Hasan off to work with his family in London, Regina on her way to Andalusia to study Spanish Gypsies.”
Ah yes, “Andalusia!” That, of course, is left-speak for “Spain.”. . . 
Why Urban Schools Can't Be Fixed
March 9, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Short of a Third Great Awakening, urban public schools are doomed to fail. . . .
Why I am Supporting Ted Cruz for President
March 4 , 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill

I managed to sneak into a Ted Cruz rally last night in suburban Kansas City. Upon leaving, I no longer counted myself among the uncommitted. I and thousands of others in this overflow crowd had to be thinking the same thought, “Why would a conservative vote for anyone else?”. . . 
A Black Actor Can No Longer “Win” An Oscar
March 2, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Black activists and their white enablers have just seen to it that no black actor, at least for the foreseeable future, can ever win a meaningful Oscar.
After the utterly cringe-worthy, four-hour, liberal self-flagellation spectacle on Sunday night, our Hollywood friends will not cast an innocent Oscar ballot for years to come. . .
The Mass Murders That Dare Not Speak Their Name
March 1 , 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Pity the late Cedric Ford. If he had understood the way the media worked, he might not have gone on the horrific shooting spree in central Kansas on Thursday that cost three people their lives and fourteen people their health. But alas, once the major media understood the demographics of the case, they lost interest in Ford quicker than you could say “Muhammad and Malvo.” Ford simply did not fit the narrative. . . 
Will Hillary’s Lying Save America?
February 24, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Last week, in response to a question by CBS’s Scott Pelley on the subject of lying, Hillary Clinton managed to raise eyebrows, even on America’s Botox challenged talking heads. . . .
Judge Scalia First Died in 2006
February 17, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Inspired by March Madness, I wrote a WND article in April 2015 titled “The GOP’s Formidable Starting Five.” My lead sentence read as follows, “You might not like their individual moves, but the likely top five in this year’s Republican primary field is Duke to the Democrats’ (2-28) San Jose State.” . . .
My Eerie Scalia Premonition
February 15 , 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In the year 2000, my one and only novel was published, the then futuristic 2006: The Chautauqua Rising. Set as the reader might surmise in 2006, this political action thriller tells the tale of a grassroots insurrection in Western New York that in many ways anticipated the Tea Party insurgency of 2009-10. As an aside, those thinking of writing a book should be sure to give it a title that people can pronounce. I learned this the hard way. The county in question is pronounced sha-TAWK-wa . . . 
Trump Draws Left's Ire, But Race-Baiting Sharpton Is OK In Their Book. The New York Daily News got it wrong. In truth, Sanders Is the “Zombie” and Sharpton the “Joker.”
February 15, 2016 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
In the years that I have been following—and creating—political media, I have seen many a provocative headline, but none in the same ballpark as the New York Daily News’s post-New Hampshire slam on Donald Trump.
Mixing metaphors, the paper’s front-page shows Trump in Joker-style clown face alongside a screaming headline, “DAWN OF THE BRAIN DEAD.” Lest anyone miss the message, the subtitle reads, “Clown comes back to life with N.H. win as mindless zombies turn out in droves. . .
Republicans, There is Nothing Patriotic About Pouting
February 10, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Inspired by March Madness, I wrote a WND article in April 2015 titled “The GOP’s Formidable Starting Five.” My lead sentence read as follows, “You might not like their individual moves, but the likely top five in this year’s Republican primary field is Duke to the Democrats’ (2-28) San Jose State.” . . .
Where Are The Snowballs of Yesteryear? Today, Even a Blizzard Can’t Prod Our Kids Outdoors.
February 8, 2016 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill

Fond as I am of snow, I ventured east last week for a family reunion, storm warnings be damned. This time, the forecasters did not disappoint. Before the blizzard was through, the pleasant New Jersey suburb I was visiting had been graced by 28 inches of pure white powder. . .
12 Tips for Artfully Using Facebook for Politics
February 3, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
At speaking engagements I am often asked, “As an average citizen, what can I do?” For the last several years, I have been recommending that people get on Facebook and become disseminators of real information, mini-publishers in their own private universe.
Given the sensibilities of your friends and relatives, this is a tricky proposition. . . .
“Ferguson Effect” Is Decimating Black America
February 1, 2016 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
Political scientist Ernest Evans had been tracking the “Ferguson Effect” long before anyone heard of Ferguson, Missouri. Ferguson simply raised awareness--and raised the stakes in the process. . .
NBA All-Stars: So-Non-White
January 28, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The National Basketball Association recently announced the starting line-ups for its upcoming All-Star game, and voters, whether consciously or not, reflected the nation’s institutional racism by shutting out all non-black players. . . .
Common Core Sting Captures Condescension at Heart of Educational Establishment
January 25, 2016 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
In a recent series of video stings, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has succeeded once again in showing ordinary Americans what their liberal betters think of them—in a nutshell, not much. . .
How David Letterman Enabled the Benghazi Lie
January 21, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
With the release of the riveting new film, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi -- go see it!-- a fresh wave of mendacity has swept over progressive America. . . .
Why the Media Don’t Want You to See the Must-See “13 Hours”
January 18, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The more naïve members of the Hillary Clinton campaign have long dreaded the release of Michael Bay’s factual account of the Benghazi attack, 13 Hours. The more sophisticated members of that campaign were less worried. They were confident their friends in the media would scare off all but the most deluded of “tea-baggers.” . . . 
Five TV Shows That Are Unabashedly Pro-Life
January 13, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Has anyone noticed this? Among the better class of television shows—defined loosely as those I watch—when a female protagonist is forced to “choose,” she chooses life. . .
The Progressive Woman’s Increasingly Unmanageable Rape Conundrum
January 12, 2016 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
The feminist left finds itself in something of a pickle. For years, it has made common cause with a variety of sub-cults in the larger progressive coalition, but of late some of their allies have been flouting feminist expectations in ways that are increasingly hard to conceal or deny. . .
Bully Boy Clinton’s Lip-Biting M.O.
January 6, 2016 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
A long time columnist for the Kansas City Star, Mary Sanchez is old enough to remember and recount certain details of the Clinton presidency.
In a recent column, Sanchez scolded Donald Trump for his “vulgarity and brutishness.” Wrote Sanchez, “His modus operandi is to bully.” How dare he call out Bill Clinton for being “unfaithful to his wife,” she asked, especially given Clinton’s “stellar” record on women's issues.
Like so many liberal women, Sanchez has been unwilling to acknowledge Clinton’s history as a sexual bully. . .
Time to Take Back State U
January 4, 2016 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
What happened at the University of Missouri last fall could have happened at any major state university save perhaps one: Purdue. In that I live in Missouri (and have a wife on the faculty) and in that I got my Ph.D. from Purdue, I have had a front row seat to this entirely predictable saga . . . 
Left Still Not Sure Being a Dictator Is A Bad Thing
January 4, 2016 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
If you Google “Donald Trump” plus “Dictator” you will get more than one million hits. As you might imagine, almost none of them is favorable, especially from the folks on the left. Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was among the first to spot Trump’s inner Mussolini. . .
The Outstanding Cultural Warriors of 2015
December 30, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In my newest book, “Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism,” I document the left’s totalitarian urge to punish those individuals who challenge its ever-shifting ersatz morality.
The accusers insist that resistance is born out of hatred—of blacks, of gays, of immigrants, of Muslims, of women, of poor people, even, yes, of Mother Earth. And woe to that hater who publicly defies the orthodoxy du jour. . .
Media Science Whiz Tyson Learns It’s Okay to Mock Baby Jesus, But Not At All Okay to Mock BB-8
December 28, 2015 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
A Yahoo News headline got it right: as Christmas 2015 approached, media superstar Neil deGrasse Tyson (left), an astrophysicist by training and a (selective) blasphemer by inclination, managed to “Annoy the Entire Internet.”
Tyson’s offense was to challenge the science of the surprisingly lame new “Star Wars” movie. Outraged, the “Force” and its media allies blasted back at Tyson in a merciless Twitter war. . .
Time for Us Pharisees to Sober Up
December 28, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Okay, here are a few sentences I will not countenance in the election year of 2016:
-- The Republicans have . . . 
Remembering Electric Football
December 23, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Of all the columns I have written, this is the one for which I get the most requests. On Dec. 24, only a Grinch would run something different.

The Cashill brothers: Bill, Bobby, & Jack
Every other Christmas, in the guise of Santa, my kindly father would place under the tree a game that held an oddly wondrous appeal both for him and for us. The game was called simply “Electric Football. . .
Purdue, Mizzou and the Sanity Gap: How Two Midwest Universities Handled the Same Inane Problem
December 21, 2015 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
This semester has seen impressively puerile flare-ups on college campuses across the country. On no two of those campuses have university brass responded in more dramatically different fashion than they did at Purdue University and at the University of Missouri. . .
So Where is San Bernardino’s John Doe #3?
December 16, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Is it possible that the authorities, with the media’s help, would conceal this information from the American public?. . .
What If the Westboro Baptist Church Had a Billion Members, and They Wanted to Come to the U.S?
December 14, 2015 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
In the week since Donald Trump proposed a moratorium on Muslim immigration, the same crowd that cheered the blasphemous “Book of Mormon” and applauded the jailing of Kim Davis have rediscovered the virtue of religious tolerance. . .
Forget Hitler, Let’s Compare Trump to Hillary
December 9, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I would invite my liberal friends who have been gleefully comparing Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler on Facebook to make a more relevant comparison: Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton. . .
Clinton Crony and Sock-Stuffer Sandy Berger Lived in the Shadows and Died in the Shadows
December 7, 2015 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
It seems somehow fitting that Clinton national security advisor, Sandy Berger, died the same day another event sucked all the air out of the news. The event in question, of course, was Wednesday’s Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernardino.
As it happens, major news events also obscured Berger’s most newsworthy day prior to his death. On March 31, 2005, the unfortunate Terri Schiavo died a much-publicized death in Florida. On April 2, Pope John Paul II would die. On April 1, the Department of Justice announced its plea deal with Berger for his role in stealing and destroying classified documents from the National Archives. . .
The Three Types of Obama Gaffes
December 2, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In the past few weeks, while abroad in both instances, President Barack Obama has made the two most revealing statements of his presidency. . .
The Real Scandal(s) Behind the Muslim MU Hair-Dragger
December 1, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
On Wednesday, November 25, Youssif Z. Omar made international news. According to Columbia, Missouri, police, the 53-year-old Omar stopped by the local public high school, spotted a 14 year-old relative not wearing a hijab, grabbed the girl “very violently by the hair,” and pulled her down a flight of stairs. Once outside, Omar slapped the girl in the face and pulled her by the hair into his car. The police arrested him on suspicion of child abuse. Omar posted a $4,500 bond and was released. . . .
Jason Van Dyke: Why Are We Charging Cops with Murder? Chicago Case One More Rush To Judgment
November 30, 2015 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
In early October, the crew of a U.S. Army AC-130 gunship bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan, killing thirty innocent people.
On Wednesday of last week, just in time to bury the news before Thanksgiving, Gen. John Campbell released a 3,000-page report blaming “human error” for the tragedy. As punishment, several individuals were “suspended from their duties.” No protestors roamed the streets. . .
The Antidote to Destructive Black Rage
November 25, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In the fifty or so years the left has been dictating the rules of racial etiquette, the life chances of the average black person have cratered and race relations, if recent campus rumbles are any indication, have collapsed. . .
Climate Change: White House Uses ‘Hurtful Language’ To Silence Skeptics on Eve of Summit
November 23, 2015 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
I received an alarming email this week from “Organizing for Action,” (OFA) the White House sanctioned project that “advocates for the agenda of U.S. President Barack Obama.”
In two weeks, Obama and thousands of other well-paid functionaries will descend on Paris, many in carbon spewing private jets, “to tackle climate change, while we still can.”. . .
Media Fail Trying to Sell Campus Protest
November 18, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
No publication tried harder to persuade the public of the righteousness of the recent campus protest movement than the Kansas City Star.
Backing the Star in its attempt were virtually every major broadcast media other than Fox News. If nothing else, these media succeeded in drawing the attention of the public to events taking place on the state’s flagship campus in Columbia. . .
Why Even the Thinking Left Owns Paris
November 16, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In October last year, on his HBO show real time, Bill Maher got to see up-close how his buddies on the left have made this world a more dangerous place. What Maher still needs to appreciate is the role he himself has played in making it more dangerous. . .
Paris Attacks Overshadowing University Of Missouri?
While Paris Burns Mizzou Simmers
November 16, 2015 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
Having watched sixteen baseball games this October (and November), fourteen of them from beginning to end, I have come to understand why baseball still works.
I begin, however, with one caveat: baseball only works if you care. If you care a lot, no sport works better. If you don’t much care, any other sport works better, even soccer. . .
The Left Eats Its Own at MU
November 11, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
A little background on how I ended up living in Missouri and writing about the ongoing spectacle of liberal self-destruction at the University of Missouri. . .
Black Lives Matter Only at MU
November 11, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
On November 3, Jonathan Butler began his hunger strike at the University of Missouri. His stated goal was to assure that black students felt “safe and included on campus.”
As to blacks beyond the campus, let alone whites, Butler expressed no particular interest. . .
Baseball Still Thrills Emotionally Invested Fans, Especially In Postseason Play [COMMENTARY] or: Why Baseball Still Works
November 9, 2015 | HNGN.com | by Jack Cashill
Having watched sixteen baseball games this October (and November), fourteen of them from beginning to end, I have come to understand why baseball still works.
I begin, however, with one caveat: baseball only works if you care. If you care a lot, no sport works better. If you don’t much care, any other sport works better, even soccer. . .
25 Obama Whoppers for the Media to Chew On
November 9, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Politico grabbed headlines on Friday with the breathtaking revelation that Ben Carson, contrary to what he either said or implied, had not been offered a scholarship to West Point.
The third paragraph contains this eye-opening revelation. . .
Absurd Double Standard for Carson, Obama
November 7, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Politico grabbed headlines on Friday with the breathtaking revelation that Ben Carson, contrary to what he either said or implied, had not been offered a scholarship to West Point.
The third paragraph contains this eye-opening revelation. . .
Republicans Learning Not to Apologize
November 4, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
A headline on Wednesday’s Kansas City Star read as follows, “Kris Kobach rejects criticism for speaking at a ‘white nationalist’ conference.”
The charismatic Kansas secretary of state (left) did more than “reject” criticism. He blasted its source, the Southern Poverty Law Center. . .
It Takes Real Faith to Be an NFL Quarterback
October 28, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I was watching the Ravens-Cardinals game on Monday night and started Googling around to learn a little bit more about Carson Palmer, the Cardinal’s quarterback from the University of Southern California. . .
Hillary’s Worst Crime Was Against the “Filmmaker”
October 26, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill

It would be as ethically bankrupt for the Democrats to nominate Hillary Clinton after Benghazi as it would have been for the Republicans to nominate Richard Nixon after Watergate.
More bankrupt actually. No one died at Watergate, and the only people who went to prison were the ones who committed the crimes. At Benghazi, of course, four Americans died, and the only American who went to prison did so to help Hillary sell a lie. . . 
The Campus Crusade for Conformity (or Else!)
October 21, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Wesleyan University sophomore Bryan Stascavage knew he would ruffle a few feathers when, just a week ago, he wrote an op-ed for the campus newspaper, the Argus, on the subject of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Although supportive of the movement’s goals, Stascavage summed up his painfully balanced piece with this idea: “If vilification and denigration of the police force continues to be a significant portion of Black Lives Matter’s message, then I will not support the movement.”. . .
Hillary’s “Genocide” Lie
October 15, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“Well, let's remember what was going on,” Hillary Clinton told Anderson Cooper Tuesday night in Las Vegas in response to his question about the bombing of Libya. “We had a murderous dictator, Qadaffi, who had American blood on his hands, as I'm sure you remember, threatening to massacre large numbers of the Libyan people.”
Before going any further, we might want to note that In April 2009, Qaddafi’s son Mutassim had a cordial meeting with Secretary of State Clinton in Washington. . 
Bernie’s Kosovo Lie
October 14, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill

Granted, Kosovo is not a burning issue. If asked, the handful of people who watched the CNN Democratic debate on Tuesday would likely identify it as exotic vegetable.
Still, it was the one place on the map that Senator Bernie Sanders, a belligerent quasi-pacifist, thought best justified spilling American blood. 
My Dinner with Secretary Reich
October 7, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Last week, I received an unusual invitation. Clinton-era Labor Secretary Robert Reich (left) was coming to Kansas City with a film crew, and either he or they thought it might be a good idea to stage a dinner in which the secretary interacted with people who did not share his opinions.
Being near the head of everyone’s list of those who might disagree with Reich, I got the invite, accepted, and lived to write about the experience. . .
Obama, Richards and the Mammogram Lie
September 30, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The second 2012 presidential debate, the one in which Mitt Romney faced off against Barack Obama and CNN's Candy Crowley, is best remembered for Obama's Benghazi lie.
The lie was so consequential people quickly forgot about Obama's Planned Parenthood deceit. . .
Scarlet Letter Summer Ends on “I” Note
September 23, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
My new book, “Scarlet Letters: The Ever Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism,” hit the bookstores in August.
As if to justify my thesis, the neo-puritans of the left went hog wild this summer branding their political enemies with a Scrabble box of scarlet letters, culminating this past week in a veritable run on the Scarlet I for “Islamophobia”. . .
So Is Barack Obama a Muslim or What?
September 21, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“The fallacy that President Obama is a Muslim has tripped up many a politician,” said NPR’s Jessica Taylor hopefully on Friday, “and on Thursday night, GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump was its latest victim.” . . . 
No Film Will Revive Dan Rather’s Reputation
September 16, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Soon to come to a neighborhood theater near you is a film that has the nerve to call itself “Truth.”
Directed by James Vanderbilt and starring Robert Redford as CBS newsman Dan Rather, the film reportedly retells the story of Rather’s misbegotten effort to sink George Bush’s 2004 election campaign with last minute revelations about his military service. . .
The Inevitability of Kim Davis
September 9 , 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In monitoring the postings of my friends on Facebook and elsewhere, I sense a genuine surprise among the more benignly liberal that the federal government would actually send the county clerk of Kentucky’s Rowan County, Kim Davis, to jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a gay couple.
Most of the supporters of same-sex marriage that I know are not political people. A fair share of them are bright and good-hearted. Most of those are female. More than a few vote Republican. . .
Free Kim Davis
September 8, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
"I'm glad the court sent a strong message that you have to follow the law," said Timothy Love of Kentucky, one of the plaintiffs in the Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage. The strong message that U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning was to send Kim Davis to prison. Davis, the county clerk of Kentucky’s Rowan County, boldly refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple.
Love’s comment raises at least two interesting questions. One is this: when did the left develop this affection for following the law? . . . 
If "W" Had Been Trump - In 2004
September 2, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“The Republican nominee for president will be that candidate who best learns that there is no future in apologizing,” I wrote in the opening sentence of a June 10 WND article.
I had come to this conclusion after researching my new book, Scarlet Letters: The Ever Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism. In the book I profile those individuals who stood their ground against their progressive oppressors and prevailed.
George W. Bush was not one of those people. As charming and congenial as he could be, Bush as president was civil to a fault. His political enemies saw that as a weakness and exploited it. . .
Hillary and Obama Own the Tragic Libyan Exodus
September 1, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Last week, in one incident, as many as 180 men, women and children drowned when the boat carrying them capsized off the Libyan coast. “Libya is a major transit route for migrants hoping to make it to Europe,” reported Reuters. “Smuggling networks exploit the country's lawlessness and chaos.”
What Reuters did not explain, at least in any detail, is “why Libya”?
Joe Biden Is Shovel-Ready
August 26, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
As Vice-President Joe Biden gears up to run for president, it falls to publications like WND to remind the American people that Joe Biden is more than just a gaffe machine. Indeed, the gaffes tend to mask the charming incompetence at Biden’s core. . .
“Anchor Baby” Flap Shows Left Losing Grip
August 22, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“You said that you have a big heart, and that you’re not mean-spirited,” queried ABC reporter Tom Llamas. “Are you aware that the term ‘anchor baby,’ that’s an offensive term? People find that hurtful.” The target for Llamas’s pique, of course, was presidential candidate Donald Trump. . . 
Potty-Mouth Leftists on Presidential Eligibility
(Part 2 in series)
August 19, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill

Last week, I wrote a column for WND titled, “Just Who Is Eligible to be President.” In it I raised the question as to whether Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Rick Santorum are “natural born citizens” and thus eligible to be president of the United States.
The article generated a fair amount of response. Some respondents thought my interpretation of the law too strict. Others thought it too lenient, but . . . .
Just Who Is Eligible to be President? (Part 1 in series)
August 12, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The question has been raised for Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and even Rick Santorum—as it was for Barack Obama and John McCain before them--as to whether they are “natural born citizens” and thus eligible to be president of the United States.
In helping the formidable Dr. Terry Lakin with his book, “Officer’s Oath,” I did a fair amount of research on this subject as did Lakin. . . .
The Republican Race So Far (With Straw Poll)
August 10, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
To this point, I am feeling wise. I predicted the emergence of a Trump, the ascendancy of Cruz and Fiorina, the illusory nature of the Jeb Bush candidacy, and the general dynamism of the Republican field. . . 
New Yorker Slaps Scarlet R on Darren Wilson
August 5, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Writers for the venerable New Yorker magazine seem to have no greater joy in life than imputing racism to those who live west of 10th Avenue.
And what more target rich an environment to practice one’s moral hauteur on than the police department of a working class Midwestern town like Ferguson, Missouri? . . .
An Early (Accurate) Prediction about the Trump Candidacy
August 4, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“Donald Trump is already doomed: Why his campaign is a bigger disaster than his hair,” screamed the headline of a July 6 Salon headline.
“The TV billionaire has only just announced his candidacy--yet he's already made enough mistakes to last a lifetime.”
In fact, Trump was not doomed at all. 
Would You Let Your 12-Year-Old Daughter Sleep in a Tent with an 18-Year-Old Boy?
July 31, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
I was driving in to work earlier this week, listening to a local talk show, when I did something I almost never do. I called in.
The subject was the decision by the governing board of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to allow openly gay adults to serve as den leaders, scoutmasters and camp counselors. How could I resist? I am an Eagle Scout, and I have a book coming out next week called Scarlet Letters that deals with this larger subject. 
Abortion: the Progressives' Sacrament
July 29, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
More intensely now than ever, the left has a stranglehold on the way the rest of us are supposed to talk, joke, pray, and think. . .
Redefining Virtue in the Bizarro World Order
Now for the Theo Van Gogh Courage Award
July 22, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
How much courage did it take for Bruce Jenner to “transition” to whatever gender status the one time Olympic hero claims today?
This question can be answered with a single headline from the New York Post: “Brett Favre makes the ESPYs uncomfortable for everyone.". . .
Every Day, A New Way to Hate
July 21, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Last Thursday morning I turned on the TV to watch the British Open. Unfortunately, ESPN was broadcasting it. I say “unfortunate” because ESPN announcers insist on calling the British Open “the Open” as showily as they insist on calling Bruce Jenner “Caitlyn Jenner.”
The Worst Major Party Candidate Ever
July 15, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
If Richard Nixon ran for president after Watergate, he would have been a more credible candidate than Hillary Rodham Clinton is in 2016.
If Vice-President Aaron Burr ran for president after shooting Alexander Hamilton, he would have had far fewer notches on his belt than Hillary does in 2016. . .
Which Republican Will Stand Up For The Kleins?
July 8, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The first Republican to fly to Oregon and hold a press conference with Melissa and Aaron Klein will get my vote.
To undo the eight years of the Obama era will take more than right thinking. It will take some in-your-face moral bravado. . .
The Donald’s Scarlet X
July 6, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In her HBO documentary Fall to Grace, Alexandra Pelosi—yes, Nancy’s daughter—revealed, without intending, how the shifting progressive creed had become conflated with “sin.”
My Neighborhood U Paid Chelsea 65K!
July 1, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
I know the University of Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC) well, vey well. I live about a half-mile away. I know many of the people who teach there. After two years with no raises at all, this year they got to divvy up a meager wage pool of 2 percent.
Most of the students who go to UMKC live at home and commute. Almost all of them work to pay for their education, many of them full-time. . .
The Unlikely Turning Point
in the Same Sex “Marriage” Battle
June 29, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill

This past weekend has been heady one for our friends on the soft-core left. Without ever attending a meeting, let alone a march, or even making a donation, they got to celebrate Obergefell v. Hodges as if it were V-J day .
Did Dylann Roof Write His Manifesto?
June 24, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
“I was not raised in a racist home or environment,“ Dylann Roof writes in the opening sentence of his presumed manifesto. . .
So Now I Am Responsible for
the Charleston Shooting
June 23, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
I had no intention of commenting on the recent shooting at a Charleston, South Carolina, church. There were two good reasons why. One was that I have always found it unseemly to exploit a genuine tragedy, especially before the bodies are buried and the event gains some historical perspective.
The second was . . .
Why Is Rachel D Less “Authentic”
Than Barry O?
June 17, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
If the least attentive of news watchers this past month can identify only two people by sight, one of them is surely Rachel Dolezal (pronounced DOLE-uh-zhal).
Rachel (pictured left as an adult and child) of course, has spent the last decade passing for a black woman. And say what you will about her authenticity or lack of it, she, unlike other famous transitional types in the news, is not insisting we call her by a new name like, say, “Shamiqua”. . . 
If Only GOP Candidates Would Say This
June 10, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The Republican nominee for president will be that candidate who best learns that there is no future in apologizing .
You Just Might Be A Liberal . . .
June 3, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
With all due to respect to America’s best comedian, Jeff Foxworthy:
- If you went to the local adoption agency and asked for a gay baby, you just might be a liberal.
- If you have ever walked around campus with a mattress on your back, you just might be a liberal. . .

But Would You Have Invaded Libya?
May 27, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Largely to protect Hillary Clinton’s future, the media have been pestering Republican candidates with the question, “Would you have invaded Iraq?”
This question serves at least two purposes. For one, it shifts the blame for Barack Obama’s tragically botched handling of Iraq back to Bush.
For another. . .
Like Don Draper, Barack Obama Can Never Go Home
May 25, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In watching the seventh season of AMC’s inspired hit series Mad Men unfold, I found myself thinking of the Obama presidency, also in its seventh season. (No spoilers until article’s end).
For those who may not have seen the series, the principal character of Mad Men is a sophisticated and self-possessed creative director for a New York ad agency named Don Draper (left) . . . 
How Stephanopolous Tried to Save
Hillary in 2008
May 22, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Like Philip Carey, the protagonist of Somerset Maugham’s Of Human Bondage, Clinton aide and current ABC grandee, George Stephanopoulos, has repeatedly sought the love and approval of a woman who simply does not have love in her bag of tricks. . . 
Malik Obama’s Million Dollar Manuscript
May 20, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Future historians, should they ever interest themselves in the truth of the Obama ascendancy, will owe a major debt to documentarian Joel Gilbert.
Where others ruminate, Gilbert digs. He has struck a highly useful vein of late in developing a relationship with Barack Obama’s older half brother, Malik Obama (above), whom he recently interviewed on camera via Skype.
If Atticus Finch Could Tweet . . .
May 13, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
If you need a snapshot of what has happened to liberal America, Twitter provided it on Monday afternoon.
On the news that George Zimmerman had been injured in a Florida shooting, the left side of Twitterdom lit up more gleefully than it had since Dick Cheney stopped duck hunting.
Just Who Was the Man
in Freddie Gray’s Van?
May 8, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
On Wednesday, April 29, Peter Hermann of the Washington Post published a well-sourced article, headlined, "Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray "'was intentionally trying to injure himself.’” 
Why Marilyn Mosby Must Go
May 6, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
The answer as to why Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby (left) must go is simple enough: she has consistently shown herself unwilling or unable to put justice before race.
She has also conspicuously failed to grasp the idea that “justice” is due the accused, not the mobs howling for the heads of the accused.
Free the Baltimore Six
May 4, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
If anyone doubted before Friday that the postmodern lynch mob era is in full swing, Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby (pictured) put those doubts to rest.
“To the youth of the city,” said Mosby, “I will seek justice on your behalf. This is a moment. This is your moment. Let’s insure we have peaceful and productive rallies that will develop structural and systemic changes for generations to come. You’re at the forefront of this cause and as young people, our time is now."
So What Race Is April Pikes?
May 1 , 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
On Tuesday of this week, April 28, an incident took place in a Houston Wal-Mart that should have made national news. It hasn’t. In fact, the story has scarcely left Houston.
The nature of the incident could not be more topical. Jeremiah Matthews, 23, attacked Houston Community College police officer, April Pikes, with a hunting knife while she moonlighted as a security guard. Matthews stabbed Pikes fourteen times, tried to pull her gun, and would likely have killed her had not store patrons intervened. As it is, Pikes had to undergo a six-hour surgery, remains in intensive care, and may lose an arm. Police have charged Matthews with attempted capital murder.
Mr. President, Crime Is A Contact Sport
April 29, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Mr. President, crime, like football, is a contact sport. Those who choose to participate run risks that ordinary citizens do not.
The Clintons’ Other, Truly Bodacious Mine Boondoggle
April 27, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
The New York Times reported this week on the unseemly transfer of cash from parties interested in a major uranium deal to the Clintons. The Canadian company selling Uranium One to the Russians donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. And Russians tied to the deal gave Bill Clinton $500,000 for a Moscow speech. The deal had global consequences.
Hillary’s Baggage Train: Part 2, TWA 800
April 22, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
This is part 2 of Jack Cashill's "Hillary's Baggage"series.
For part 1 of "Hillary's Baggage" scroll down.
Last week, out of the blue, the New York Daily News ran a story headlined, “Former Obama pilot: TWA Flight 800 was not blown up by a faulty fuel tank; it was shot down. I’ll always believe that, and here’s why.”
For the record, this 747 blew up off the coast of Long Island on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 people on board. The author, pilot Andrew Danziger, is convinced that the plane was shot out of the sky.
What The Unearthed 1995 Video Tells Us About Obama
April 16, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
A professionally shot video of Barack Obama from 1995 has recently surfaced. Shot at the Cambridge Mass. Public Library, the video captures a skinny, youthful Obama promoting his then newly released memoir, Dreams from My Father,
In this hour-long presentation, Obama openly talks about his relationship with his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist and pornographer. Perhaps more importantly, Obama gives us a much clearer picture about who he was in 1995, on the cusp of his political career, than we had seen before.
and Further Thoughts on Obama’s 1995 Video
Hillary’s Baggage Train: Part 1, Indonesia
April 15, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
No presidential candidate in History has raced to the White House with more baggage than Hillary Clinton. For those too young to remember—and those in the media too eager to forget—allow me to air some of that baggage out.
In the November 1994 mid-terms, Democrats lost fifty-two seats in the House and eight in the Senate. Mario Cuomo lost. House speaker Tom Foley lost. Popular Texas governor Ann Richards lost to underdog George W. Bush.
Bill and Hillary Clinton caught the blame. After days of anger and self-pity, they began to focus again on the one principle that had directed their lives to date-getting Bill re-elected. . .
Hasn’t Al Sharpton Heard of Waco?
April 13, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
“There must be national policy and national law on policing,” Al Sharpton (left) said at the kickoff of his National Action Network’s annual convention last week. “We can’t go from state to state, we’ve got to have national law to protect people against these continued questions.” 
The GOP’s Formidable Starting 5
April 8, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
You might not like their individual moves, but the likely top five in this year’s Republican primary field is Duke to the Democrats’ (2-28) San Jose State.
Would that the Dem’s only player of note had been a one-and-done, but wily veteran Hillary Clinton plods on to the bitter end, hoping that someone somewhere will finally draft her.
Clinton, in fact, is more than five years older than the oldest of the Republican starting five. . .
What Columbia Missed In Its Review of Rolling Stone
April 7, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
In November, Rolling Stone magazine ran a story detailing the horrific account of an alleged gang rape at a fraternity on the University of Virginia campus. The story quickly proved to be rubbish, and Rolling Stone reached out to the Columbia University School of Journalism to discover how the magazine could have blundered so badly.
First, They Came for the Bakers . . .
April 1, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In my forthcoming book, “Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism Exposed,” I address the emergence of what I call “ progressive neo-puritanism.”
With the exception of Islam, an unlikely ally in the rainbow coalition, this may well be the most judgmental, vengeful, unforgiving quasi-religious cult abroad in the Western world today. . .
Zimmerman Unloads Righteously on Obama
March 25, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
In an unvarnished thirteen-minute interview with his attorney, George Zimmerman summed up his legal adventures with a clarity that has been totally lacking in the media.
Zimmerman was able to do the interview only because the Department of Justice finally cleared him of civil rights charges in the February 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin. . .
Pro Football Is Good for Your Health
March 22, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
Those who follow sports today understand that the sports media are as sissified as the news media. The result lately has been an unending stream of soft-core Marxist articles about the dangers of pro football.
I say “Marxist” because the articles and TV features almost inevitably pit manipulative money-grubbing owners against hapless exploited players.
Does the Left Want a Race War?
March 18, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
Many of us who did not vote for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election found some solace in the notion that Obama’s presidency, if nothing else, would ease racial tensions.
The poll numbers suggested the same. In the month of Obama’s inauguration, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks held a favorable view of race relations in America, something of a high water mark in recent history.
Those paying close attention, however, saw reason to worry. . .
Multicultural Meltdown in Madison
March 11, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
It was while watching the absurdly predictable fallout from the fatal shooting of 19-year-old Tony Robinson--the six-foot, five-inch “teddy bear”—that I recalled where I was when I first heard the term “politically-correct.” . . .
DOJ to Ferguson: Adopt Strategy
That Killed Trayvon
March 9, 2015 | AmericanThinker.com | by Jack Cashill
There are many flaws with the Department of Justice’s report on policing in Ferguson, Missouri. The most glaring is the report’s use of statistics, but the most egregious, as shall be seen, is the strategy the DOJ recommends to address statistical disparities. 
How Deep is Obama’s Anti-Israel Bias?
March 4, 2015 | WND.com | by Jack Cashill
"There should not be a shred of doubt by now,” Obama told the told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in March 2012. “When the chips are down, I have Israel's back."
Once he won reelection, Obama had little reason to court America’s Jews and less reason to continue pretending to support Israel. . .