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Just How Many Illegals |
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© Jack Cashill Once upon a time—and it was not that long ago--the media prided themselves on exposing voter fraud. This all changed in the early part of the 21st century. In one of the great unreported opinion shifts, progressives throughout the political and media establishments decided almost as one that illegal immigration was no longer a problem and thus neither was voter fraud. The American people, however, did not get the memo. They still want the facts and an excellent place to turn for those facts is a Loading the report may take a minute or two—“Please wait as we load hundreds of rigorously documented facts for you”—but it is worth the wait. To estimate the number of illegal voters, one might begin with the fact that the federal voter registration form “does not require people to prove they are U.S. citizens.” Some states do require applicants to submit full Social Security numbers, but that is not much of a roadblock for most of the people working here illegally. In 2013, according to the chief actuary of the U.S. Social Security Administration, some 700,000 illegal immigrants used “fraudulent birth certificates” to obtain Social Security numbers and that 1.8 million illegal immigrants worked by using Social Security numbers “that did not match their name.” Among the advocates of illegal immigration the extensive use of fake documentation is well understood. In 2017, California Senate Leader and Democrat Kevin De Leon testified before the Senate’s Public Safety Committee against President Trump’s action on immigration. Said DeLeon, “Anyone who has family members who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of false identification.” As the New York Times reported in 2005, before progressives adopted illegal immigration as a cause, “Currently available for about $150 on street corners in just about any immigrant neighborhood in California, a typical fake ID package includes a green card and a Social Security card.” In 2002, the U.S. Government Accountability Office published a report on identity fraud. The report noted that in 1998 in Los Angeles immigration officials “seized nearly two million counterfeit documents, such as … permanent resident cards and Social Security cards, which were headed for distribution points around the country.” Progressive activists have a vested interest in getting non-citizens to the polls. As the report observes, “In U.S. presidential elections from 1980 to 2012, Latinos voted for the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate by margins ranging from 18 to 51 percentage points.” Given that incentive, early in 2016 the Obama administration supported a court injunction to prevent Kansas, Alabama, and Georgia from requiring people to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. Obama acknowledged publicly that voting records are not cross-checked against immigration databases and “there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.” This was all calculated to increase Democratic turnout. Given the laxity of controls, it should not surprise that according to a 2013 McLaughlin & Associates scientific bilingual poll of Hispanic adults 13 percent of the non-citizens reported they were registered to vote. And these numbers are probably lower than they ought to be. In a 2008 Harvard/YouGov survey, for instance, 14 percent of self-declared non-citizens who said they were not registered to vote were found to be registered when matched to a database of consumer and voting data. Based on the evidence and their analysis of it–the report is exhaustive–Just Facts argues that 800,000 to 2.2 million non-citizen Hispanics stated they were registered to vote in 2013. There is no reason to believe that it was any less than that in 2016 especially with a Trump presidency threatening. And other immigrant groups—Somalis for instance—had at least an equal incentive to vote against Donald Trump. Again, these are low estimates since many illegal immigrants will respond to no surveys whatsoever “out of fear of exposing their immigration status.” But no need to worry, as Barack Obama reminded us on the Hillary campaign trail, “You are much likelier to be struck by lightning than have somebody next to you commit voter fraud.”
Jack Cashill’s newest book, TWA 800: The Crash, the Cover up, the Conspiracy can now be ordered at Amazon.
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