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Listen to Jack Cashill's interview with Bill Thompson. Subject: First Strike (6:52)
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TWA Flight 800 Articles by Jack Cashill:
- Did Trump Send TWA 800 Signal at Montoursville? (5/22/2019)
- Why did Trump Hold a Rally in This Small Pennsylvania Town? (5/22/2019)
- TWA 800: The Deep State’s Deepest Secret (7/19/2018)
- Strzok Farce Shows Obstacles To Opening TWA 800 Case (7/17/2018)
- Meet Randy Tauss, Deep State Superstar (6/6/2018)
- How We All Became “Conspiracy Theorists” (7/12/2017)
- In Search of Nelson DeMille’s TWA 800 Video (7/12/2017)
- The G-Man Who Can Stop Hillary (10/19/2016)
- TWA 800: Thank God for C-SPAN! (10/15/2016)
- TWA Flight 800: My Improbable Lunch with the Chairman of the NTSB (8/29/2016)
- The Downing of TWA Flight 800: Is Fear Rewriting American History? (8/24/2016)
- The Difference between Pravda and the New York Times? (8/17/2016)
- One "Conspiracy Theory" Trump Needs to Push (8/15/2016)
- TWA 800 Article Inspires Rush of New Leads (8/9/2016)
- Ex Government Hack Attacks New TWA 800 Book (8/10/2016)
- TWA 800: Calling Agent Bongardt, Your Nation Needs You (8/3/2016)
- New Info on TWA 800 Disaster (7/24/2016)
- Only The People Can Break Open the TWA 800 Case (7/20/2016)
- TWA 800: Here Is What We Now Know (7/13/2016)
- The Deep, Undeniable Heart of the TWA 800 Scandal (6/29/16)
- TWA 800: If You Saw Something, Say Something (6/22/2016)
- TWA 800: Who in Media Will Cover Plane's Shoot-down? (6/15/2016)
- TWA 800: The Great Untold Story of Our Time (6/7/16)
- Why Putin Ignores Obama on MH17 (7/23/14)
- Anderson Cooper: “ TWA Flight 800 Was Shot Down” (7/22/14)
- A Government Cover-up Lives - 18 Years Later (7/17/14)
- Why Congress Must Re-Open the TWA 800 Investigation (7/7/14)
- Limbaugh Blows TWA Flight 800 Call (3/19/14)
- Hillary Clinton's Achilles Heel (11/20/2013)
- Aussies Shine Light on TWA 800 (9/25/13)
- The Best Mob Story Ever (8/5/13)
- CNN Edits Out Comparison of TWA 800 and Benghazi - Part 1 of 2 (6/26/13)
- What CNN Cut Out of TWA 800 Interview - Part 2 of 2 (6/27/13)
- New TWA 800 Video Strikes Hard (6/19/13)
- Is U.S. Navy Coming Clean on TWA 800? (1/23/13)
- Benghazi Cover-up Smells Like TWA 800 (10/24/12)
- TWA Flight 800: 16 Years and Still No Questions (7/17/12)
- John Kerry’s 9-11 Offensive (9/15/11)
- The Clinton Tapes and TWA Flight 800 (7/14/11)
- Why Clintons Kept Mum About KSM Plot (6/29/11)
- So Whose Was the LA “Mystery Missile”? (11/18/10)
- What Keith Olbermann Knows About TWA Flight 800 (11/10/10)
- “Mistress Of Disaster” Mired in BP Mess (9/9/10)
- The Last Great Cover-up - TWA Flight 800 and Its Consequences (7/8/10)
- Cognitively Infiltrate TWA Flight 800, Mr. Sunstein (1/21/10)
- Climategate, TWA Flight 800, and Andy Revkin (12/10/09)
- Did Gorelick Ride TWA 800 To Fannie Mae Millions? (7/16/09)
- Sotomayor squashed journalist's First Amendment rights (6/18/09)
- Libby prosecutor threatens critic (6/11/09)
- Reopen the TWA Flight 800 case (6/8/09)
- What does Leon Panetta know about TWA 800 (1/8/2009)
- Pilot sheds new light on TWA 800 scandal (8/7/08)
- TWA Flight 800 downed 12 years ago today (7/17/08)
- TWA ghosts ground American Airlines (4/11/08)
- Hillary, Where Were You
at 3 A.M. on 7/18/96? (3/21/08)
- Did TWA 800 Fix Keep Hezbollah Killer Free? (2/21/08)
- Did Iranian Shootdown Foreshadow TWA 800? (11/15/07)
- Stunning new video of crash site (10/12/07)
- More on the missing TWA 800 imagery (9/20/07)
- TWA FOIA suit yields smoking gun (8/30/07)
- Fox blows TWA Flight 800 opportunity (8/9/07)
- How Al Gore subverted his own Aviation Safety Commission (7/19/07)
- Al Gore's Achilles heel (7/12/07)
- The great media scandal keeps getting greater (6/7/07)
- The trials of Angela Clemente: why the DOJ is destroying America's best PI
- The black hole in George Tenet's universe (5/3/2007)
- Witness needed: to close TWA Flight 800 case (3/29/07)
- How Sandy Berger paid back the GOP (1/30/07)
- Why Bush Justice rolled over for Sandy Berger (1/25/07)
- The secret Sandy risked his all for (1/18/07)
- NTSB honcho disowns TWA 800 zoom climb (12/14/06)
- TWA 800: Down the memory hole (12/7/06)
- Lance's Triple Cross blows TWA 800 wide open (11/22-23/06)
- The downing of Congressman Curt Weldon (11/17/06)
- Further advances on TWA 800 front (11/9/06)
- TWA 800 case advances on two fonts (10/12/06)
- Did Iraqi Ops Take Out TWA 800 (10/5/06)
- Clinton targets Weldon in FOX tirade (9/28/06)
- CNN and the disappearing zoom climb (8/24/06)
- Movement in DC on FBI cover-up (8/17/06)
- More truth tellers surface in 800 case (8/3/06)
- Union refused to buckle in TWA 800 investigation (7/27/06)
- NSA confirmation on government cover-up (7/20/06)
- Time to ask Kerry some tough questions about TWA 800
- Barring a confession by Gary Condit . . .
- Revelation in San Francisco
- A final look at the 9-11 inside-job theory
- Indictment of FBI agent may hold key to TWA 800
- Airline captain adds the NSA to the TWA Flight 800 case
- Fox TV picks up WND AA 612 story
- What really happened to AA Flight 612
- Engineer takes FBI to Boston court in TWA 800 case
- Like Clinton, Freeh mum on Flight 800
- New York Times continues to avoid TWA connection
- Situational ethics at the New York Times -
- TWA 800's 'Deep Throat'
- Berger deal suggests darker plot
- Top FBI lawyer helped destroy TWA Flight 800
- NBC's Robert Hager - NTSB prostitute? - by James Sanders
- Eight years later, TWA 800 case just heating up
- Paris meeting renews interest in TWA Flight 800
- Kansas house may tie FBI to OKC, TWA 800
- Letter implicates NSA in TWA 800 cover-up
- How Clinton's team hid Flight 800 attack
- The real reason behind FAA fuel-tank ruling (Feb 21, 2004)
- TWA 800: What Clinton knew
- Silenced no more! - by James Sanders
- What does Dick Morris know about TWA Flight 800? (July 18, 2003)
- TWA Flight 800: By the numbers (July 17, 2003)
- TWA 800 revelation: What the president knew (March 25, 2003)
- Ex-NTSB honch tries to torpedo 'First Strike' (March 15, 2003)
- TWA 800: Who knew what, when (Feb 14, 2003)
- Why did Al gore really drop out? (Dec 17, 2002)
- No longer an accident! (November 19, 2002)
- Kallstrom's quest for redemption (Nov 12, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- Why John Kerry talks about TWA 800 (Oct 1, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- Deception for dollars (Sep 22, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- The fight goes on (Aug 25, 2001)
- Cracks appear in fuel-tank charade (Aug 16, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- The incredible shrinking climb (Aug 13, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- An open letter to John Ashcroft (Aug 10, 2001)
- Demise of the TWA 800 cover-up? (Aug 8, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- Ashcroft imprisoned by Reno legacy? (Aug 2, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- Imaginary flagpoles (July 23, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- The collapse of American journalism (July 20, 2001)
- Psychology of a cover-up (July 16, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- Feds keep voice recorder data hush-hush (July 16, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- Fateful 4 seconds (July 16, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- Unraveling the cover-up (July 2, 2001) by James Sanders & Jack Cashill
- TWA 800 controversy heats up (June 25, 2001)